Any Good? My Band

The song kinda has a Reconteurs/60s crunchy thing going on, I dig it. Just not the greatest recording. Very difficult to hear/understand the vocalist. The rhythm section seems solid. Sounds pretty good (y) And believe me, if you want critiquing, you'll get it here.
It's a fun, straight up rock tune - I liked it.

It had a 12 bar intro, which is ok, but the last 4 bars didn't say anything that the previous 4 bars didn't. Then again, maybe there's stuff going on there that the recording didn't convey - a guitar solo-type thing would be cool for the last 4 bars of the intro.

Something else you might look at is doing cymbal crashes/hits on that one backbeat punch point in the choruses. That would really punctuate that line and add some energy to it. Maybe wait until the final chorus to do those.

That would be my only real critiques of it. Drumming seemed solid - I've definitely heard worse from people who thought they were better. :)
I found the song boring. Maybe because the guitar was sooooo prominent, and it just sounds repetitive.
I lean towards music that has really good vocals. This song did not. I was picking up a Cars type vibe in the song, but where they excel is change ups and the vocals do have ‘character’.
Drumming sounded fine.
I really liked it - has a nice "raunchy feel"to it. I can see punters dancing to it no problems. I thought your drumming went with the song really well .
Cool riff..

I would say to speedup the song a little (like 10 bpm) and quit somewhere between 2.40 and 3.00, because those last 2 minutes take away all the urgency that the song potentially has..

Then write another 10-15 of such songs and you have a pretty nice garage rock set..


Maybe you know them allready, but i was thinking a little in a direction like this (just as an idea and not regarding the vocals btw)..:

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Sounds a lot like the 60s bands I was around in Berkeley CA. Sort of garage, kinda punk. Has a simple Kingsmen "Louie Louie" feel to it. I agree with oldskoolsoul, it's needs to stay at or under 3 minutes. Believe it or not you keep the audience attention with 15, 3 minute songs rather than 5, 8 minute jams. For crying out loud, Don't do the Grateful Dead thing and not know how to end a song. Your drumming is in keeping with the song and that's important. As you get more under your belt, I'm sure you'll add more than just backbeat. Keep going friend.
It's hard to give critiques for me because I've never written a song in my life. So I figure if you're having fun and it sounds genuine, I can't say much more about it. I do like the riff. Maybe if you guys mic'ed up better so everything could be heard clearly, especially the drums. This has a Frank Black and the Catholics kinda' vibe, and I love that guys' work outside of what he did with the Pixies.

Maybe one drumistic thing: I like to slosh it up on the riff when there's no vocal, so I say open up those hi-hats and slosh away, then come under control during the verses. Or heck, smash away on your ride during those sections - it doesn't have to be the hi-hat all the time. Maybe if you slammed 2 & 4 as a rimshot all the time, that would be good on this tune. You're really the one in control of what the band does, so I say take advantage of that. I've controlled dynamics in my bands easily by how I play. When I go quiet, they go quiet, etc.,...
Cool riff..

I would say to speedup the song a little (like 10 bpm) and quit somewhere between 2.40 and 3.00, because those last 2 minutes take away all the urgency that the song potentially has..

Then write another 10-15 of such songs and you have a pretty nice garage rock set.

We got like 30 of em
It is my goal to trim down the songs, but Sam the singer has been playing them as endless jams for a while.
Sloshing and rimshots- I play my hands as quiet as I am able and slam the kick to keep the volume wars to a minimum, and it is working,.
There are lots of ghost notes on the snare and some on kick- it keeps us tight. You just can't hear them on this.
I appreciate the encouragement!! Will post more to sound cloud soon.
There is not much wrong with your drum arrangement and i would definitely not start with a million crashes, lots of hi hat sloshing and all such things..

For example, the fact that you keep your hi hat closed during the guitar solo brings much more to the song than sloshing the hi hat there and those 2 crashes that you play just before the first solo (together with snare drum) are basically the only crashes the song needs..

Like i said before, when you would shorten the song to about 2.50-3.00 minutes and speedup just a little (not too much) to give the song a little more 'urge', you will have a pretty decent song for a genre like this..

Curious to those 30 other ones..:)
Great stuff.

CCrit: Do more to distinguish the chorus from the verse. Yeah, you're switching to the ride, but the delta in dynamic and/or cadence isn't where it needs to be yet.