Black Beauty 6.5” vs 8” - is the difference real?

I always have a full drum mix in my IEMs. The first time I put a BFSD Donut on my 14x8 BB, it sounded like a pro Nashville recording. It's such a great drum.

Agree. I have a number of BFSD products that I leverage when recording and slapping one on the deeper drums is a blast.

It also does well to fatten all the others as it is intended to, great products at a reasonable price. I also have their 13" Tamborine chime donut that I throw on my hats on some recordings as an option.

While I love all my wood snares, there is something about Ludwig metal drums that just work. I love my N&C and Pearl metals as well but Ludwig has enough offerings at prices points to fit anyone's budget.
'nah it's just like a tom tom" .. 😁
can crack the edge for a hi rim shot like anything else..
it's just "less hi..
think of the Premier pan cake tom I had one of those..
You know, those drum manufacturers they’re kinda smart! Why sell you one, when they know damn well you might end up buying 3! I think the 3 depths do offer a tonal difference. With each having their place in the lineup, depending on song. More choices the better IMO.
Honest question : is it *just* tone? I have a 6 1/2" DW Collectors, and a 6 1/2" Dynasonic, yet my 5 1/2" Ddrum Dios just *feels* better. Rolls are faster/etc. It's my go-to gig snare. I do play an 8" BB at one church. I like it, but it doesn't blow me away.
correct "snares" aren't a "drum" per se... "snares" are the spirally things underneath "applied to a tom"

Yes even the metal brass ones..

a 5" is the killer in a "snared" tom-tom..
Honest question : is it *just* tone? I have a 6 1/2" DW Collectors, and a 6 1/2" Dynasonic, yet my 5 1/2" Ddrum Dios just *feels* better. Rolls are faster/etc. It's my go-to gig snare. I do play an 8" BB at one church. I like it, but it doesn't blow me away.

I agree it is more than just tone, the feel is different from the ones I sampled. Thats just all I happened to mention on my post.

I think the 5” depth snares do feel a bit quicker to a slight degree versus a really deep snare. But looking at the rest of the kit, that makes total sense. A 10x7 tom feels a lot snappier than the 16 floor, I think most would agree. Smaller diameter and shallower depth usually = quicker feel. Head tensions are different too