What's your weakness (drums or drumming)? Here's mine.

Samba. And other Latin grooves. I'm really bad. I can hold down a very basic elementary Latin groove that sorta works with most anything Latin, but that's about it.

I als have no speed whatsoever on kick (bass for you jazz cats lol). It's because of medical issues not because I'm lazy at practicing. Can't be fixed. Big weakness.

And green sparkle finishes. Yeah that, too.
Drum wise? Shiny things.

PBR, pool, racks, assets.

Don't like traveling.
And I don't trust pilots
or I missed the Boat
but I don't care I tell ya I don't care.
Happy to play for the trees. And the sky
always since 71 disliked mics, mic stands, wires
they weren't -still aren't drums to me
that's some other's profession or duty Not mine.
My only microphone really has been my ear.
and an $11 Radio Shack mic
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My weaknesses are legion, and are the same whether we’re discussing me as a person or me as a musician.

I have severe ADHD, and am either distracted or hyperfocused most of the time. That’s one weakness.
my double bass work, i practice it all the time yet i seem to have plateau'd at around 140bpm singles.
My weakness is rare wrap finishes,
My weakness is rare wrap finishes,

Texas Vintage Drums posted these rare wraps on FB back in December (That pink oyster though....):
May be an image of cymbal and text that says '1 Slingerland'
May be an image of cymbal and text that says '가 Stingerland'
May be an image of barrel and cymbal
May be an image of cymbal
May be an image of cymbal and text
May be an image of cymbal and text
May be an image of barrel, cymbal and text that says 'Slingerland gerland'
May be an image of cymbal and text
my double bass work, i practice it all the time yet i seem to have plateau'd at around 140bpm singles.
Double bass is only a weakness if you have to play at certain level (for your band) and you can't... not being able to achieve some speed that you want to achieve as a goal is a different thing. I don't see it as a weakness but as a challenge I'm yet to accomplish.
my double bass work, i practice it all the time yet i seem to have plateau'd at around 140bpm singles.
I see a lot of people that like to focus on the negatives instead of the good things they do have.
Example: Somebody states that they have a shoulder injury therefore have difficulty playing drums... Someone else will then list ALL their ailments in an effort to outdo the first person.
Why would person #1 and Person #2 choose to disclose all that? or simple the title of this thread "What's your weakness".

Maybe the OP's intent was to find common ground which I guess also explains the one upping injury discussions...
Why don't we focus on the great things we do have instead?

Nobody posting here can say that:
They are poor (when they can buy drums and tons of other non essentials)
That their life is hard when they live in Europe or the US (or Australia). When the worst we have is first world problems where not having a job really means there is not a job I like or more accurately I'm not qualified for the job I like.
Our countries are not at war...Imagine not knowing if you are going to get killed by a drone strike in the next few hours or the next day? having no water to drink for days at a time and no place to go....

I say we should focus on our accomplishments, see the things that we haven't yet accomplished as challenges and believe that we can always do better.
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My "weakness" is in both categories to a certain level. I'm fortunate to have a decent Drum Kit (in my day a drum set), [Dark Cherry to Black fade "sparkle" finish] and that I can at least play some classic rock tunes on it.

In light of Doggy's comments, I pay homage to what I have accomplished in my lifetime. I was able to bring two wonderful sons into our lives (wife and I will be married 50 Years this November) , and now 5 Beautiful Grandchildren to enjoy and LOVE into our lives I always respected people, shared my knowledge with those that would accept it, kept my nose to the grindstone along the way. I was able to produce a good sense of financial security for my Family. Without Political references, current Goings On have eroded that a little bit too much. I feel grateful that I used the brain God gave me to the best of my ability despite some childhood circumstances. I feel fortunate that I was Not Drafted to go to Vietnam like so many who were killed or maimed.

Without redundancy from other posts on Off Topic Lounge threads, I am fortunate to have reached retirement after 48 Years of working in business / banking/ real estate financing (And 9 years of working in my Father's Restaurant business from 14 years of age) but I do regret that I waited 50 Years to resurrect playing drums in 2019 - one of my retirement pleasures now. If I started earlier and honed my drumming skills, who knows - I could have hooked up with some folks and played a few Gigs along the way.

Nuff Said.
I'm not that great on double strokes, I tend to be a bit repetitive on my fills and not great with complex doublebass rythms (alternating between metric figures, stops and whatnot), I'm working on most of these though, and feel I've at least come a long way with more creative fills. I have quite good speed and stamina on doublebass, it's just fitting in rythmic figures, not going all 8/16/32 that I struggle with... No trouble with triplets and stuff, but more like alternating figures.

As far as equipment goes, I'm a sucker for big doublebass kits. The bigger the better 😅