Did Charlie Watts Really Punch Mick Jagger for Asking "Where's My Drummer?"

Well if he didn’t he should have given him a smack. I’m not saying beat the hell out of him- just a slap into reality.
Charlie should have resorted to jujitsu..although his striking was probably pretty accurate after eyeing that mount tom for 60+years.
I'm sure there are many examples of those who achieve success and don't act this way. Rush come right to mind as I'm sure there are others.
Pink Floyd, for another. They have partaken sure, but they have all claimed they rarely dabbled in recreational drugs. Kind of ironic, since their music has historically been a soundtrack for those that do.
Pink Floyd, for another. They have partaken sure, but they have all claimed they rarely dabbled in recreational drugs. Kind of ironic, since their music has historically been a soundtrack for those that do.

For real? I would have assumed they were way into psychedelics
Imagine if Jagger had said that to Buddy Rich
Sinatra (143 pounds) beat up Buddy Rich. Not saying Jagger would have, just that Buddy was better at yelling than fighting.

The black belt in martial arts tells me other wise. Sinatra and Buddy were sparring partners and had some well documented dust ups in the 40s.

Couldn't have been that bad. Sinatra read Buddy's eulogy.
I hate how society values people by the children they have, and when.
I don't like that everyone around me seems to think they must have a family with multiple children when they (the soon to be parents) don't have the financial means to guarantee a proper future for those kids. Then we end up having all those aid programs that we have to pay more taxes for.
I think that if anyone wants a family they need to seriously evaluate their life and make a decision based on reality not on a whim.
like that idiot Nick Carter who has 13 or 14 kids with 6 different women. What the hell is wrong with him? or the 21 kids and counting people.. the oldest daughter is on her 4th or 5th child already I don't don't think she is even mid 30's. How are those kids going to make it through life with that example? Our planet is not able to provide unlimited resources. Eventually humans will have major issues with vital supplies...

On the other age extreme you have Al Pacino, Mick Jagger, and other old farts that should not be reproducing anymore. Everbody is so worried about their legacy.. What legacy? you don't leave your legacy by having children, you leave a legacy by doing something great yourself.
Eff, that. Have a bunch of kids. Have too many kids. This isn't a real society or country anymore. This is survival now. You can't win a fight by living by self imposed rules when the authority over you isn't abiding by rules and law.

Let me add a personal experience and observation. A lifetime addicted, violently abusive family member had 2 kids with a woman he eventually married and the whole family fretted about the kids. He was a bad example, smoked and drank all the financial resources. Then he had 2 more kids and the family fretted and triple fretted. All 4 kids are fantastic humans who contribute to a wholesome culture. The father offed himself after violently attacking another family member. The kids are just fantastic humans after being disadvantaged and modeled by a hugely bad example all their lives.
I fret that they won't reproduce.
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This thread sure took a left turn at Albuquerque.
"If he did who would know the difference those lips you know......"