10 minute practice


Senior Member
Ok, so you have a buy life with a full time job, family, dog etc. evenings are difficult to pull yourself away for long practices. So my question it if you had only 10minutes what would you practice? How would you structure that 10minutes in order to actually achieve and progress?
At that point there's really not much you can do aside from maintenence. I could do the 5 minute Lifetime Warmup and then maybe work on one specific thing for 5 minutes.
play to records play to songs..
then when and if something comes up you can't understand or execute Use the following day's 10 minutes to figure that out, and the day after that if it needs to be.
Until you can complete an entire album side or song(s) of a style/ you've chosen
you want to tailor yourself to be a dynamic complete/ contributing musician/ behind the drums/ whatever it takes/ and if you only have 10/ you only have 10..
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I have a warm-up exercise that seems to turn all the lights on so to speak, so I would probably play that. Then pick a rudiment, convert it into a useful lick or fill, and drill that in. Or rip open any book and play that page. Or, do what your teacher told you to practice *cough**cough*!

The warm-up is all four paradiddle inversions played on the ride and snare, over a samba.

Maybe you could find more ten minute spots in your day. Pad time after breakfast, master rudiments on your steering wheel, (it works!), do you Jojo Mayer bass and hi hat foot constant release drill on the bus or at your office, or his hand-clapping endurance drill.
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Play some YouTube videos of drummers during your non-practice time, find a lick that inspires you, and go to town learning how to play it. Next time: learn a new lick AND revisit the previous one. Next time, learn a new lick, and go over the previous two. Rinse, repeat, revisit. If something inspires you to explore, spend more time on it.
Get some 45s from the 60s.
Motown et al.
Old fashioned Record Player..

well that's how we did it back then
MacArthurs Park
all the Hal Blaine hits
Aurally Imagination develop
Pick one thing that you NEED to get better at (pick it from a longer practice session, a song you're performing, a recording, etc) and work on it. Introduce music as soon as you can (with a loop, a song, or another player).

If you stay focused for the whole 10 minutes you can get a lot out of it.

Also, you can do several 10 minute sessions during the day.
I do most my “ practicing” these days away from the kit, pad, or sticks. On my downtime at work, i chart stuff out for upcoming gigs, and do lots of active listening. Today during a break, I transcribed 16 bars of a Philly Joe Jones solo. Sometimes I even mentally practice with a metronome going through my earbuds. I believe mental practice and listening is just as important as physical practice.
I guess I would play 2 or 3 songs, since music is paramount.

10 minutes a day will not help you much though. If you're sitting in front of the tv 2 hours a night you will get no sympathy from us lol.