What are you listening to right now?

LOL! I remember seeing that video when it came out and thinking, Oh man, Aerosmith sold out!, but by the end of the video I was liking it and thought, yeah, that was pretty cool!
Rampage is back. Someday I'll see one live.

One of my personal top ten albums: The Kinks Everybody's in Showbiz

Some nice relaxing music from Estonia's Winny Puhh...this one is about pulling childish pranks on your neighbors, and it's called "Lajo ja Palota," which means "Wreck and Burn:"

This one is called "Bussis," which is about riding the bus as schoolkids, performed sort of live at a big awards show...interesting side note, I sent their lead guitarist a bass fuzz pedal as thanks for sending me a couple albums, and their bass player is using it on this one!

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