Stupid Deal of the Day.

I hate you... I wasn't allowed to buy a snare before our wedding is paid off. Then you post this! You sir need to apoligize to my future wife! hahahahaha
Seems like that the only Stupid Deal snare drum they ever offer. Let me know when a Supraphonic or Black Beauty is offered for $99... :)
I hate you... I wasn't allowed to buy a snare before our wedding is paid off. Then you post this! You sir need to apoligize to my future wife! hahahahaha

Tell your wife I am the Mayor not the minister. Put the gift on your register, but you have to buy it today.
Shipping to Holland will be another USD 80...and then add VAT+taxes.
Nope, buying from the USA won't be a great deal for us here.
Bought this snare the last time it was the stupid deal of the day. I changed the heads ( Evans ST Dry over 300 Hazy), but it did not sound bad with the stock heads. It has a nice loud crack and a bit of a ring. The ST Dry took a bunch of the ring out of it, but I think you could control the ring with some muffling.
The Stupid Deal of the Day is addicting. I've laid many a C-notes in the hands of MF over these.

Here's a couple more sites to put on your "Daily Deal" shop-watches: - "Crazy Daily Deal" on their front page. - "New Day New Deal" on their front page. - Membership required, but halfway decent

Any other sites you know of that do this type of thing?