Have you ever stopped playing / practicing?

I had to stop for almost 20 years when I was almost 25 YO, to learn how to make money after I realized it wasn't happening playing music. I wanted to be able to live in a house someday where I could practice without bothering anyone. Looking back it was the right move for me.
Kind of depends on how you think of it with me. I practiced/played constantly through high school, because I was in drum corps. But when I went to college, I didn't have time, so I stopped. Then graduate school, career, marriage, kids, etc. Basically, I didn't play again until about 10 years ago, when my son requested a drum set for his birthday. He didn't play it all the much--but I did. I've been playing/practicing pretty consistently ever since.

However, I take a break every summer due to work. I spend about a month in Japan each summer and I rarely get much time to practice. I do play at jam sessions when I can and I bring along a practice pad, but time is so limited that I can't do what I want.

I think that taking time off can be beneficial. After a month or so without playing, I need to do some work on chops, but I find that my ideas are refreshed.
With that many gigs and rehearsals, just preparing for them should be enough. A warm-up routine that pushes you a bit could feed the improvement need nicely if you want more. Like say 10 minutes on the pad doing whatever rudimental nightmare you're into these days, and ten minutes selecting a random page out of Rod Morgenstein's drumset warm-up book will give you plenty to keep some growth on the menu.

When in weddings mode, I'll usually lay off during the winter and learn something new. But one winter I didn't do squat due to life happening, and just used gigs at the beginning of the season to play my way back into shape. It worked fine.
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I've stopped playing for a few extended stretches a couple times over the years. If i'm not playing in a band i start to lose interest in playing by myself and eventually i just stop playing. I've been back playing now for a year and a half after taking a few years off. I still don't practice much outside of playing with the band unless i have something i really need to learn. I know how much i could benefit from daily practice or even some lessons again, but with a extremely busy job, a wife and a couple young kids its tough to make time.
Listening to great music can do as much, if not more, for your playing than actual physical practice at the set (assuming you still play regularly).
I stopped for a week after I badly broke and dislocated my wrist resulting in an arm in cast (done installing a sound booth in my house!). However I was soon back practicing, just restricted to two feet and one arm for a good 3 months. I've a great teacher who worked with me to keep the practice attainable and enjoyable, despite my restrictions.
If it weren't for the day job, neighbours and the OH, I'd do as many hours as I could, but I'm restricted to 10-15 hours a week.
However, I'm only in year 3 of my journey, so my addiction is high! I also don't yet play in a band, so practice is everything for me. Plans are afoot however!
yes, for various reasons, and for some years. sometimes a break is good, in the long run. it was becoming drudgery at one point. after time off, my practicing is much more productive, and i do believe my playing is better than it would have been stuck in that rut...