Yamaha DTX Pro - Module - which triggers and cables?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I tried to teach only online lessons via zoom as I have just a tiny apartment but after I got 99% of parents and students Feedback who rarely did a trial lesson with me, I realized that if I want to teach, I need to teach offside.

At moment I applied to various music schools as drum teacher and I also try to find a room where I can teach privately. Most cities and villages declined and said that there are no rooms available, they only rent rooms to citizens of that town/village and so on. So now I’m also considering to do a very tiny teaching studio in my apartment but the issue is that I have neighbors.

As of yet after one year on a e-Kit I went to acoustic with meshheads and low volume cymbals one year ago. This works quite good but while the snare does a very good job with meshheads and no triggers, Toms and Kick are too quite, cymbals are perfect.

So, now I’m thinking about equipping my Tama Superstar Jazz Kit with meshheads and use the DTX Pro Module on my Starclassic W/B with Meshheads and Triggers and build my teaching studio here.

I have the DTX Pro Module and also an EAD10 which I only need an adapter for headphones to work.

Now I’m wondering what triggers and cables I need to be compatible with the DTX Pro Module and if I can use the EAD 10 as Drum Module for the Jazz Kit (18/12/14 + Snare) and connecting a Speaker to it to make the sound audible?

Can anyone help me?
Here's the pads compatible with the module:


For single trigger pads, you can use a standard instrument cable.
For 2 and 3 zone pads, refer to the tables.

For a mesh head/trigger conversion of an acoustic kit, go with what Frank said.
I don’t mean Pads I mean trigger with meshheads.
The Rtoms are hard to get here, the Yamahas seem to be so-so.
I don’t mean Pads I mean trigger with meshheads.
The Rtoms are hard to get here, the Yamahas seem to be so-so.
I see you're in Germany so maybe go with a local company?

Not 100% sure if their triggers will work with Yamaha DTX (I really don't see why they wouldn't though) and their mesh heads are top notch so you could grab some of them while you're at it.


I see you're in Germany so maybe go with a local company?

Not 100% sure if their triggers will work with Yamaha DTX (I really don't see why they wouldn't though) and their mesh heads are top notch so you could grab some of them while you're at it.


This also nice from that outfit

I have the DTX Pro Module and also an EAD10 which I only need an adapter for headphones to work.

Now I’m wondering what triggers and cables I need to be compatible with the DTX Pro Module and if I can use the EAD 10 as Drum Module for the Jazz Kit (18/12/14 + Snare) and connecting a Speaker to it to make the sound audible?

Triggers - any old thing. The Yamaha ones are very well built and are shiny though :)
Cables - TRS for dual zone (two piezo / head + rim) triggers, TS for mono.
Module will take up to 14 triggers.
Never had an issue plugging any old trigger into a DTX.

EAD10 - yes - all the manual - you have six trigger inputs. See the suggested setup up there --^