Will a used 6 piece Pearl World Series sound good?

I am looking at a listing for a secondhand 1989 Pearl World Series for $800 (it comes with Planet-Z cymbals but that doesn't bother me).
The listing says it has "Some rusty bits and pitting on the drum hoops, fittings, and hardware but in excellent working order. "

The kit has Remo Pinstripe heads. I am worried that it might sound bad and I'd be stuck with it, unable to return it. Do Pearl World Series drums usually sound good?

How much better are they compared to a Pearl Export or a Yamaha Rydeen? There are plenty of Exports and a Rydeen on Gumtree around my area, should I just sick with one of them seeing as I can drive there and have a bash to see how they sound?

I am hesitant to link the eBay listing as I have been looking for a kit for weeks and weeks and i'm scared one of you might snatch it up ?

Any help is much appreciated
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I wouldn't be worried about linking it here.

It appears they're basically Pearl Exports with better shells. (mahogany, birch, and "lamin")

I assume the toms are deeper, probably power toms.

$800 seems kinda pricey to me. Unless you're going for a deep 80s sound, I'd aim for something more modern.
I wouldn't be worried about linking it here.

It appears they're basically Pearl Exports with better shells. (mahogany, birch, and "lamin")

I assume the toms are deeper, probably power toms.

$800 seems kinda pricey to me. Unless you're going for a deep 80s sound, I'd aim for something more modern.

Thanks for the response! the eBay link is https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pre-Lov...858666?hash=item4209d5f62a:g:N2IAAOSwowVdluy1

Honestly $800 seems to be the go to price for most listings i see that aren't no name brand kits or non complete kits. Then again, I could look for good cheap shells and build upon them.

Are Pearl Exports or Yamaha Rydeens good for at home play and practice? Or are they more beginner learning kits?
Ah, that's $800 in Kangaroo bucks.....about $540 US. And it comes with hardware. That's a real plus if you don't have any hardware yet. Do you have hardware?

That deal is better now that I can see the added hardware. But the rack tom depths aren't great by today's standards. You'd have to position them up 2-3 inches higher than modern toms.

I have no idea what the drum market looks like in Australia, so I don't know what other options you have.

Pearl Exports are a good starter kit. Rydeens are a little too cheap IMHO.

Kits that are better (IMO) than the Exports, but still in the budget category: Yamaha Stage Custom, Gretsch Catalina, Tama Superstar Classics.

Newer Exports are still pretty good though.
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I still own my 1987 Pearl WLX World Series in Coral Red. 10, 12, 13, 16 with 6.5 x 14 steel shell snare. At the time Pearl marketed them as the entry level of their professional line. Above the Export, but just below their birch and maple pro lines of the time. They featured excellent double braced stands and heavy-duty Hardware throughout. They had thin shells with a sharp 45 degree bearing edges that were made of birch and Philippine mahogany, and some, I believe, also had middle plies of Linden wood, or "super lamin" -whatever that meant (marketing talk). They gave a nice focused sound, much like you would expect from a birch shell. So, yes, these are nice drums, and a solid value, IMO. I felt, in the 1985-87 were the best years of the line as they featured ratchetless tom holders and coffin lugs. These were phased out, and later morphed into what would become the Session series. Good luck!
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Pearl World Series are fantastic kits. I have had 3 of them :) Very punchy sound & project well. Remo Clear Pinstripes are the original spec head for them. Their hardware is as good a quality as the top range MLX/BLX but with nicer single lugs :) I would buy it. No problem :)
Pearl World Series are fantastic kits. I have had 3 of them :) Very punchy sound & project well. Remo Clear Pinstripes are the original spec head for them. Their hardware is as good a quality as the top range MLX/BLX but with nicer single lugs :) I would buy it. No problem :)
Mine actually came originally equipped with Pearl branded crimped collar clear batters with clear dots. They were defined and punchy. I would later use Remo Pinstripes on them and they were great as well.
Oh okay, I don't have a table saw or drill press but would I have to re-size these toms? Seems like they're mounted pretty high up in the picture so could I just bring them down a touch?

I think you all might have convinced me to get it.
No I don't have any hardware at all and I looked for hours and hours trying to find a good shell set, then hardware for the specific set, then a cymbal pack but it seems the Aussie secondhand drum market isn't very extensive or budget friendly and it's hard to find everything individually you need and for a good price.

This world series kit looks pretty awesome and thinking of having this kit sits better with me compared to having an export for example.
Plus I can get it for $720 AUD using a coupon code eBay has.

I'm about to go to a local music store as I saw a deal for a new Pearl Roadshow + Zildjian cymbals for $850 AUD (probably planet-z's but that's fine)

How do Pearl Roadshow's fair compared to a World Series?
Oh okay, I don't have a table saw or drill press but would I have to re-size these toms? Seems like they're mounted pretty high up in the picture so could I just bring them down a touch?

I think you all might have convinced me to get it.
No I don't have any hardware at all and I looked for hours and hours trying to find a good shell set, then hardware for the specific set, then a cymbal pack but it seems the Aussie secondhand drum market isn't very extensive or budget friendly and it's hard to find everything individually you need and for a good price.

This world series kit looks pretty awesome and thinking of having this kit sits better with me compared to having an export for example.
Plus I can get it for $720 AUD using a coupon code eBay has.

I'm about to go to a local music store as I saw a deal for a new Pearl Roadshow + Zildjian cymbals for $850 AUD (probably planet-z's but that's fine)

How do Pearl Roadshow's fair compared to a World Series?
Get the World Series...it's much better, and it comes with better hardware and cymbals. (If the World Series and Roadshow are your only 2 choices)

The Roadshow is super cheap and will not last. The cymbals are basically toys.

I wouldn't cut the World Series toms down. It's a lot of effort, and you could negatively effect the sound. You'll just have to get used to toms that are positioned a little higher over the bass drum.
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Just got back from the music store and had a bash on the roadshow and an export, I didn't realise the roadshow was lower than the export quality wise and the export sounded much better, so the roadshow is out of the picture now.

What I've narrowed it down to now is (all with Planet-Z's)
- 5 Piece Pearl Export $800 AUD: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/wishart/percussion-drums/pear-export-complete-drum-kit/1228629702
- 6 Piece Pearl Export (pretty narrow low tom) $725 AUD Negotiable: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/hil...drum-kit-with-zildjian-cymbals-set/1230120294
- The Pearl World Series $800 ($720) AUD: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pre-Lov...5f62a:g:N2IAAOSwowVdluy1&shqty=1&isGTR=1#shId

Thanks again for your input and info guys, I think my best bet is to either offer like $650 AUD for the 6 piece seeing as it's "negotiable" or just straight up buy the world series. What do you guys think?
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World Series was rather good sounding. Round sound, and strong hardware. New heads and good tuning will do them good.
Why messing up with the depth. We lived with power toms for 20 years, we’re still alive !
And with a 10” that’s the coolest kit ; deep 10 and 12 and 16x16.

My only updating would be wood hoops on bass and Rims.
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Just got back from the music store and had a bash on the roadshow and an export, I didn't realise the roadshow was lower than the export quality wise and the export sounded much better, so the roadshow is out of the picture now.

What I've narrowed it down to now is (all with Planet-Z's)
- 5 Piece Pearl Export $800 AUD: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/wishart/percussion-drums/pear-export-complete-drum-kit/1228629702
- 6 Piece Pearl Export $725 AUD Negotiable: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/hil...drum-kit-with-zildjian-cymbals-set/1230120294
- The Pearl World Series $800 ($720) AUD: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pre-Lov...5f62a:g:N2IAAOSwowVdluy1&shqty=1&isGTR=1#shId

Thanks again for your input and info guys, I think my best bet is to either offer like $650 AUD for the 6 piece seeing as it's "negotiable" or just straight up buy the world series. What do you guys think?
The 6 piece you linked is not an Export, it's a Pearl Forum series. I wouldn't buy that.

Between the 5 piece Pearl Export and the World Series...I'd get the Export. (As long as it comes with all the pictured hardware) It's barely used. They will sound good and last a long time. Manufacturing techniques for budget drums have improved drastically in the past 25 years.

I can see a few making the argument for the World Series, though. It's not a bad kit, but the tom depths are outdated...kinda like a mullet.
Mine actually came originally equipped with Pearl branded crimped collar clear batters with clear dots. They were defined and punchy. I would later use Remo Pinstripes on them and they were great as well.
The one Pearl gave me many years ago was supplied new with Pinstripes. Tried many heads over the years but the Pinstripes always sounded the best on that kit :)
Comparison before final decision; anyone and everyone I would really appreciate your opinion on


I'm going to give one of them a listen probably tommorow, I can't make both as they are too far away for how much time I have, but so far I'm keen on the Export
Would you be able to go into more detail as to why you're a fan of Rydeens over Exports for example?

Tone-wise, mostly the thinner shells. I also much prefer the tom mounting type over the Exports. Mostly they sound far better in my ears. Those Exports however are much newer so if the price is the same they are a better deal. (If you don't mind the ISS mounts)
Go for the PDP. That's a step up from the Exports and has slightly better cymbals as well. I had a PDP LX that I liked better than my DW Collector's.