What would be your drummer nickname?

I'm not in a band but if I was I'm sure everyone would be asking who's that "Creepy Old Dude" playing the drums.
My grandkids, in order to differentiate me from their other grandad, call me Papa Drums!
I had a bandmate once who dubbed me "Ice Water". Don't know where he got it but it seemed to suggest some feeble attempt at something mildly menacing while standing out as more bland and inert. We got a hearty chuckle over it and it sorta stuck within a certain circle of friends. Might have to revisit that one ...
Mine would be CRiS for Can't Remember Sh.......

Some days the brain works better than others.
Always trying to say more with less, maybe it should be:
Compassionate Conservative.
I haven't been called it for ages, but it used to be Thumper. Because drums. And something to do with rabbits.
"Who". Because after gigs, people always seem to wonder "Who's that sweaty guy trying to look cool by hanging with that band that just played?"

The joys of sitting in the dark at the back of the stage.

LOL!!!! xD

He's just drinking water bottles and soda. He's had six of each so faa-Wait! Nope six waters, and seven sodas now. lol
Ben Jammin!!

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The guy who always complains and grouses is Sandy Manclam....

Ha, I love it.

My guys always introduce me onstage as Necromancy Nancy. They also call me Styx/Sticks.

I, too, would like a cool nickname, like Crash Hammershot or some such. Something awesome that I could never live up to.
Anybody that don't have a name, we will call you Mo Cowbell...

I'll go with D-Dub or you can call me Splash-Bandicoot, Splash for short. Not infringing on Crash, that's too easy and used.
Ha, I love it.

My guys always introduce me onstage as Necromancy Nancy. They also call me Styx/Sticks.

I, too, would like a cool nickname, like Crash Hammershot or some such. Something awesome that I could never live up to.

I christen thee Bangur Langur