
Bad English/grammar is all Americans can speak or right but we call them innovations to the language
Don't look at written words Misspelld words no punctashun no pararaphs then made up words and it's all basically gibberish
See evolution can go either way to produce innovation or gibberish or apparently innovative gibberish

I was just noting if you take off both heads and then spin the shell really fast with the internal wings you get lift and it flies off. I bet that flying tic tac is really a flying drum shell with brass wings. See it's that out of box tinking is the mudder of invention.
Well sed!
You're right Jimmy every innovation would be novel=new, but not every new thing is an innovation. So really every innovation is an old innovation now (because now in use) unless it is the latest innovation which would be the newest newer-er new innovation that will soon meet the interface of becoming an old innovation-since it will be in use. So it's like a quadruple tautology. I concur with your analysis Jimmy.
The analysis was an innovation of mine, not Jimmy's.
Of all the old innovations of anything "I believe" the snake oil industry probably leads in advancing "the newest or latest" innovation in snake oils. Though the age old recipe still works there is just no end to the efforts to create a new or better snake oil. No end to buyers too.
Of all the old innovations of anything "I believe" the snake oil industry probably leads in advancing "the newest or latest" innovation in snake oils. Though the age old recipe still works there is just no end to the efforts to create a new or better snake oil. No end to buyers too.
That’s the truth! Especially when it comes to music. There’s a company that makes detachable AC cables for musicians that cost a couple hundred bucks, claiming it gives you a better sound than just the cheap 18 gauge cables usually supplied with amps. So what about all the cheap 18 gauge wire used in practically every building ever?
That’s the truth! Especially when it comes to music. There’s a company that makes detachable AC cables for musicians that cost a couple hundred bucks, claiming it gives you a better sound than just the cheap 18 gauge cables usually supplied with amps. So what about all the cheap 18 gauge wire used in practically every building ever?
This cable is supposed to be better:

All this talk of F-holes reminded me of a Seattle band I remember from the '80's...

...they're still together! :oops: (well, as of 2017 anyway)
That’s the truth! Especially when it comes to music. There’s a company that makes detachable AC cables for musicians that cost a couple hundred bucks, claiming it gives you a better sound than just the cheap 18 gauge cables usually supplied with amps. So what about all the cheap 18 gauge wire used in practically every building ever?
I only use imported, artisanally hand generated Swiss electricity when recording. Actually.
That’s the truth! Especially when it comes to music. There’s a company that makes detachable AC cables for musicians that cost a couple hundred bucks, claiming it gives you a better sound than just the cheap 18 gauge cables usually supplied with amps. So what about all the cheap 18 gauge wire used in practically every building ever?

Nobody is using 18 gauge power wire. That would be dangerous due to overheating. 12 and 14 gauge are the common ones. Heavier gauges are used for 220 and 480 outlets, especially for stove outlets in kitchens.
Nobody is using 18 gauge power wire. That would be dangerous due to overheating. 12 and 14 gauge are the common ones. Heavier gauges are used for 220 and 480 outlets, especially for stove outlets in kitchens.
My mistake. Still, a friend of mine bought one and we tried it, even had my wife switch out cords and mark down my guesses using an Ampeg SVT, their top of line tube amp, and I couldn’t tell a lick of difference and guessed wrong more than I guessed right.
The drum world (and I suspect that of many other instruments) is full of solutions desperately in search of a problem, however this is ludicrous even in comparison with most of the nonsesne that appears.