Tama Rhythm watch users....help!


Junior Member
Hey all,
I bought a RW105 off ebay and when i use the headphones, it's pretty noisy. The click is loud but theres a little static in the background Is this just how they are or did I get a bad one?
I have a Tama Rhythym watch. Best thing to do when using headphones (I use headphones aswell, I-Pod kind) is lower the master volume, and to make things easier you can adjust the individual volume of the quarter notes and eighths and what not, this reduces the background static.
I have a Tama Rhythym watch. Best thing to do when using headphones (I use headphones aswell, I-Pod kind) is lower the master volume, and to make things easier you can adjust the individual volume of the quarter notes and eighths and what not, this reduces the background static.

Hey Bass Driver,
Thanks for the reply. So I guess what your telling me is that the heaphone output is somewhat noisy. I wish i knew that before i bought it. The last thing i need when im playing a show is something getting in the way of a good monitor mix...ya know?
I sometimes wish mine had a slightly higher volume. So my master volume is all the way up and I've never noticed any static.