Stupid Deal of the Day. 2/6/14. Drum mics

After personally owning those mics, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. They would have to give ME the $100 to take them.
Good to know. As Emily Litella would say...."never mind".
After personally owning those mics, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. They would have to give ME the $100 to take them.

I agree. I bought that set about 5-6 years ago and it almost immediately went onto the shelf. Now it sits there and every time I walk through my garage and see that case, I feel like it is mocking me with the "I'd be embarrassed to even post a Craigslist ad for this" vibe.

The little CM217 pencil condensers aren't that bad, though. MF usually has them as a 2 for 1 sale for $50.
I agree. I bought that set about 5-6 years ago and it almost immediately went onto the shelf. Now it sits there and every time I walk through my garage and see that case, I feel like it is mocking me with the "I'd be embarrassed to even post a Craigslist ad for this" vibe.

The little CM217 pencil condensers aren't that bad, though. MF usually has them as a 2 for 1 sale for $50.

The pencil condensers were the best part of this package. Coincidentally, they were also the only mics that didn't blow on me after a few recording sessions.