Sticky evans heads

Scratching has always been something that the traditional Evans coating is susceptible to and this is different than the issues with the coating becoming tacky as a result of heat/humidity. It never seemed to be an issue with brushes or sticks (can't really say the same for coatings from some other brands...). The film used for the UV1 is definitely more resilient than the film from the G1. It feels different and sounds different though the sonic difference can be quite subtle. I can't really share much more information than that.
The Red box G2 I found in my stash was bought, I'm pretty sure in January of 2021. It was scratched from the goofy fold out box almost entirely across the middle of the head. I put it on my Pearl Session 6.5×14 snare, and it sounds great. Hopefully the coating doesn't get sticky as it ages.
The Red box G2 I found in my stash was bought, I'm pretty sure in January of 2021. It was scratched from the goofy fold out box almost entirely across the middle of the head. I put it on my Pearl Session 6.5×14 snare, and it sounds great. Hopefully the coating doesn't get sticky as it ages.
Just as a rule of thumb, if you're ever dissatisfied with the condition of a new product, contact the manufacturer. It's quite standard for D'Addario to send out replacements for any damaged products.
Which is what they’ve done for me.

I asked for a set of coated g2’s instead and they were happy to do that. Hopefully no more of my heads do this, I have a fair few sitting on a shelf.

Full points to d’addario for their customer service.
I have experience of sticky evans heads. I acquired a whole stack of ebony coated heads and put them into storage. Decent dry, dry conditions that with sensible temperature range.

When I went to use them several were stuck together. This happened about 5 years ago
When other companies get it right the first time. I appreciate a good customer support, but it's still remedial.

I agree that replacing faulty product is great, but it's also a hassle for something like a drum head.

I played nothing but Evans heads for a long time and really liked them a lot. Then I went through a long spell of problem after problem. Sticky coatings, 2-ply heads where the plies weren't flat against each other, an EMAD where the ring wasn't attached all the way around, heads that delaminated...

I don't know if it was just coincidence or the new owners were trying to find EVERY corner to cut but in my own personal experience I haven't seen an existing product improve after being bought by D'Addario... It sounds like they've finally worked through at least some of the issues but I wonder how many other folks bailed and never came back like I did.
I agree that replacing faulty product is great, but it's also a hassle for something like a drum head.

I played nothing but Evans heads for a long time and really liked them a lot. Then I went through a long spell of problem after problem. Sticky coatings, 2-ply heads where the plies weren't flat against each other, an EMAD where the ring wasn't attached all the way around, heads that delaminated...
That's super disappointing to hear. Hopefully their product team has been connecting the dots regarding issues that you've identified. This was one of the key reasons why I frequented these forums when I was an employee- looking for product trends, opportunities, and issues.

I don't know if it was just coincidence or the new owners were trying to find EVERY corner to cut but in my own personal experience I haven't seen an existing product improve after being bought by D'Addario...
Hmmm, this seems like a stretch to me. D'Addario has owned the Evans brand for 28 years and has made considerable improvements in manufacturing and line-logic organization over that time. There are quite a few you might not even be aware of because it's at a detail level the the end user shouldn't even have to think about. Also keep in mind that, due to the nature of the business, new products are often rolled out rather than old products presented with updates. This isn't always the case but it's been my experience that it's far more common. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule.
I go through quite a bit of Evans heads with Sounds Like a Drum and haven't experienced any issues. I can only speak from a manufacturing standpoint about the period of time from 2010 to 2016 but we did have the issue resolved back then and customer service was always quick to replace stock of anyone experiencing issues (a standard approach for D'Addario). The UV coating was developed for a hyper-durable, extremely consistent alternative that would work within a new single-piece-flow production approach but it wasn't meant to be a bandaid for past issues with the standard coating. For what it's worth, the film used for the UV1 and UV2 is not that same as the film in use for the G1 and G2 heads, respectively.
New member here.
My experience with evans G1, G2 and EQ4 coated sticky/stuck heads, players points and customer service was the end of my purchasing of all D'Addario products a few years ago.
Called with two issues. Was transfered to a manager. Tried to tell her I had an issue with players points and drum heads but before I could finish that sentence she said, "I don't have time for this s__t" and hung up on me. I called back and was told she was no longer in her office. So I pulled all the sticky G1-2 heads off my drums and trashed them. Then I and collected all the 'New in Box' sticky stuck to the box and stuck together G1-2 and EQ4's (94 heads) and boxed them up. Looking at them now and they are still sticky or stuck.
I own 68 drums that could be wearing evans heads: 34 toms, 11 bass, 16 snares, 2 timbles and 5 piccolo. Also currently have 9 electric, 4 acoustic and 10 bass guitars that could be wearing their stings. I figure if they don't have time for my S__t, then I don't have time for theirs.
New member here.
My experience with evans G1, G2 and EQ4 coated sticky/stuck heads, players points and customer service was the end of my purchasing of all D'Addario products a few years ago.
Called with two issues. Was transfered to a manager. Tried to tell her I had an issue with players points and drum heads but before I could finish that sentence she said, "I don't have time for this s__t" and hung up on me. I called back and was told she was no longer in her office. So I pulled all the sticky G1-2 heads off my drums and trashed them. Then I and collected all the 'New in Box' sticky stuck to the box and stuck together G1-2 and EQ4's (94 heads) and boxed them up. Looking at them now and they are still sticky or stuck.
I own 68 drums that could be wearing evans heads: 34 toms, 11 bass, 16 snares, 2 timbles and 5 piccolo. Also currently have 9 electric, 4 acoustic and 10 bass guitars that could be wearing their stings. I figure if they don't have time for my S__t, then I don't have time for theirs.
Just curious as to how old the heads were, and when did this unfortunate phone call take place? Sorry you had to deal with all that wasted money and poor quality of products/service.
Just curious as to how old the heads were, and when did this unfortunate phone call take place? Sorry you had to deal with all that wasted money and poor quality of products/service.
Been a few years ago. I remodeld the studio 7 years ago and it was before then. All were new at the time. Had ordered more before mounting some and when the new heads arrived they were worse. I remember when pulling the heads I sat a 12" tom on the snare and when I picked it up it had stuck and pulled the coating off the G1 on the snare. Left a 12" clear ring on the head. No dought the coating was/is defective.
Pulled out the boxes earlier after seeing this post and pulled out a G1 14" that came in plastic. Pealed off the plastic and it sticks to everything. Some were and still are welded to the cardboard boxes and to each other in the 3 packs. Looking through these heads again all but 3 are G1 coated. Those 3 are 18, 20, 22" EQ4 coated bass heads.
New member here.
My experience with evans G1, G2 and EQ4 coated sticky/stuck heads, players points and customer service was the end of my purchasing of all D'Addario products a few years ago.
Called with two issues. Was transfered to a manager. Tried to tell her I had an issue with players points and drum heads but before I could finish that sentence she said, "I don't have time for this s__t" and hung up on me. I called back and was told she was no longer in her office. So I pulled all the sticky G1-2 heads off my drums and trashed them. Then I and collected all the 'New in Box' sticky stuck to the box and stuck together G1-2 and EQ4's (94 heads) and boxed them up. Looking at them now and they are still sticky or stuck.
I own 68 drums that could be wearing evans heads: 34 toms, 11 bass, 16 snares, 2 timbles and 5 piccolo. Also currently have 9 electric, 4 acoustic and 10 bass guitars that could be wearing their stings. I figure if they don't have time for my S__t, then I don't have time for theirs.
Wow! That's a wildly unacceptable experience and certainly the sort of thing that would make me question any sort of future loyalty to product and brand. I hope you've found a suitable alternative.
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I agree that D'addario isn't my first choice for strings - I use either La Bella or Rotosound. The Puresound snare wires aren't my choice, either.
I'm not sure if Evans have upped their coating process for a less sticky head. I know they've got the excellent UV line, which could replace the older coated lines in the future. I know that Remo had changed their coating formula, so they are now whiter and less prone to peeling.
Love Evans Heads.

Their quality is the reason I siwtched from Remo which had a terrible track record and service for me.

And now with the UV models they upped it even more.

Played my UV1 intensively the last months and it still looks like it was bought yesterday.

Also. Never having to seat a head anymore is a big plus for me.
That's why I switched from Remo, but on a big head order I received a defective head. They were quick to replace it, unlike Remo.

But their snare heads die super quick. Sure Remo wears its coating quickly, but G1s and HD drys are dead within one rehearsal. Their clear G2s also die pretty quick 😞

Time for Aquarian 😆
Time for Aquarian 😆
I'm also planning to try Aquarian for the next round of head changes on my set.

PS: I have also experienced some stickiness with Evans heads that go back a few years. Hasn't completely turned me off, but it's definitely not preferable because it attracts fuzz from the inside of my drum cases.
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That's why I switched from Remo, but on a big head order I received a defective head. They were quick to replace it, unlike Remo.

But their snare heads die super quick. Sure Remo wears its coating quickly, but G1s and HD drys are dead within one rehearsal. Their clear G2s also die pretty quick 😞

Time for Aquarian 😆
Sounds like a defective head.

I never had them die on me. And I hit pretty hard when needed.

Have you tried the Uv range? You will be suprised.
That's why I switched from Remo, but on a big head order I received a defective head. They were quick to replace it, unlike Remo.

But their snare heads die super quick. Sure Remo wears its coating quickly, but G1s and HD drys are dead within one rehearsal. Their clear G2s also die pretty quick 😞

Time for Aquarian 😆
Before you try yet another company, maybe it's time to consider how hard you're hitting / how you're tuning / which specific drumhead model(s) you're using and whether or not you're really setting yourself up for the best possible experience. I'm not saying that this is necessarily your experience but I've certainly seen a lot of people using the "wrong" heads and/or tuning for their needs and then running into issues.
I'm also planning to try Aquarian for the next round of head changes on my set.

PS: I have also experienced some stickiness with Evans heads that go back a few years. Hasn't completely turned me off, but it's definitely not preferable because it attracts fuzz from the inside of my drum cases.
I have had that as well. The coating stayed on, but they got fuzzy.

Sounds like a defective head.

I never had them die on me. And I hit pretty hard when needed.

Have you tried the Uv range? You will be suprised.
That would be 3 in a row on the snare lol. I tried the UV when they were prototypes, got the offer from redeeming points a few years back. They stayed clean, but I didn't care for them.

Before you try yet another company, maybe it's time to consider how hard you're hitting / how you're tuning / which specific drumhead model(s) you're using and whether or not you're really setting yourself up for the best possible experience. I'm not saying that this is necessarily your experience but I've certainly seen a lot of people using the "wrong" heads and/or tuning for their needs and then running into issues.
I don't hit that hard, and I don't use a lot of angle on the drums. Snare and floor toms are low and flat, so my stick hits just above parallel.

Snares tuned anywhere from medium low to high. Toms medium low-ish. My 16 is pitched about where my 14 would be if tuned JAW.

Coated G1 and HD drys on snares, clear G2s on toms.

I've got an old set of coated G2s that still sound pretty good, but the clears were dead after four small gigs, then replaced with more clear G2s, and they are dead too.

Volume isn't an issue. All my gigs have plenty of PA and monitor, and rehearsals are done lower than gig volume.
I have had some coated G1 and UV1 heads get a little tacky when stored on drums in cases mostly when in a lined soft case like a Protection Racket or Ludwig bag, the lining would stick when opened to the batter head and leave some texture and fuzz.