Some Rogers porn

Bo Eder

Platinum Member
Got the old refurb’d Rogers back up and running with new heads, and the new badges. She’s ready to work now: 9x13/16x16/14x24. Floor tom got new Pearl brackets and legs, and the bass drum got DW spurs. Also replaced the old T-handles with regular tension rods and the hoops are 1.75” wide Ludwig hoops (they are solid compared to the original Rogers ones which are narrower and feel more flimsy). Im debating getting a DynaSonic snare for it now!

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Beauty of a kit, sir.

Edit- Thanks to Harry I figured out the leg situation.
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Bo, what legs do you have on that floor tom? They don't look like the regular hexagonal legs that Rogers typically had. Beauty of a kit, by the way.
See description text.
Wow, how did I miss that. Thank you.
Fortunately the Pearl brackets fit in the two vertical holes of the Rogers mounts so no drilling was required, and I used black plastic nuts and bolts to fill the leftover horizontal holes. Those old Rogers mounts are pretty sturdy and lock the legs in place, but when you don’t have them, the prices being charged for them on the used market is just about astronomical. People are charging $60+ per leg mount. The hex legs are really rare too.