Singular sound device for running tracks and mixing IEM's Live.


New Member
I am currently running Ableton for tracks from my PC for live work and am looking for a device that will enable me to run stereo tracks and also have hands on faders for IEM's in the one unit . I do a lot of travelling and don't want to have to carry both a sound card and a mini mixer. The obvious answer is to monitor everything from Foldback / FOH but as a drummer I love being able to boost the click with hands on faders whenever I need to (I'm getting old and so are my ears :) ) Diagram as follows to explain myself better. Anybody know of such a device? PS The ultimate solution would be one where I didn't have to split the signal at the DI using the through jack and could route it internally in the unit.

Signal Chain.png
What a complicated setup you drew!
First off, why are you using DI boxes to go from the interface out to the FOH mixer?
Audio interfaces typically have line outputs, maybe even balanced ones, so you should be able to run the outputs to the FOH mixer directly.

The easiest solution for you to still be able to control the volume of individual tracks in your IEM seems to be to give FOH control over the playback of backing and click tracks, and then run those from the FOH mixer to a headphone mixer next to your throne.
If you don't want to give FOH that much control you can also ditch the mixer, run the band mix from the FOH mixer into your interface and then use your DAW or interface's mixer to route that directly to the output.
In live situations, with the hassle of setting everything up and tearing it down, the weight of your bags and whatnot, what I would do is give FOH control over everything, and then just ask them to raise or lower the volume of whatever track, and if that becomes an inconvenience because the FOH position is too far away from where you're sitting I wholeheartedly recommend investing in a set of radios/walkie-talkies to conveniently and effectively communicate with the crew.
What a complicated setup you drew!
First off, why are you using DI boxes to go from the interface out to the FOH mixer?
Audio interfaces typically have line outputs, maybe even balanced ones, so you should be able to run the outputs to the FOH mixer directly.

The easiest solution for you to still be able to control the volume of individual tracks in your IEM seems to be to give FOH control over the playback of backing and click tracks, and then run those from the FOH mixer to a headphone mixer next to your throne.
If you don't want to give FOH that much control you can also ditch the mixer, run the band mix from the FOH mixer into your interface and then use your DAW or interface's mixer to route that directly to the output.
In live situations, with the hassle of setting everything up and tearing it down, the weight of your bags and whatnot, what I would do is give FOH control over everything, and then just ask them to raise or lower the volume of whatever track, and if that becomes an inconvenience because the FOH position is too far away from where you're sitting I wholeheartedly recommend investing in a set of radios/walkie-talkies to conveniently and effectively communicate with the crew.
The DI's are there to split the signal. But thanks for the tip re line level from the outputs. Ideally I'm looking for a piece of hardware that splits this internally so there is no need for DI's

Yeah I agree that giving the crew control over the mix to the operators is the easiest approach here but I do lot of festivals with quick change overs and different operators. I find having control of click level on a physical fader is crucial to a good performance. Playback from DAW has to come from me for that reason as well.

As for the weight of the bags, I couldn't agree with you more. That's why I'm looking for a one stop solution. I hate having too much stuff and want to simplify this process as much as possible