Self doubt...

Why did I agree to do this?
Why did I agree to do this?
Oh God, why did I agree to do this?
That was great, when can I do it again?
So yeah I went.
Had fun. Chill guys...had a couple beers, and it turned into an audition. One other drummer was there playing as well. Was a neat setup.
They sent us in one by one to record and play to some tracks they already have done.

Well see what happens I guess.
Glad that you went. If you go two things can happen, you win or you lose. If you don't go, you lose. You have to put yourself out there to find out. Best wishes.
Glad that you went. If you go two things can happen, you win or you lose. If you don't go, you lose. You have to put yourself out there to find out. Best wishes.

Thanks man.
I guess part of me wants to be competitive with drumming, but another part of me says "hey man, chill, you dont have the skills / are a pocket player, and keep the beat is all"

its like a constant battle with myself...haha
Are you guys hard on yourselves as well???


What do you do to combat it?

Nothing, because I'm a realist.

However, right now I'm a big fish in a little pond. People talk about how good I am, and I think that they are really kind to say so. BUT, the ONLY reason why they say this is because they've not been exposed to someone that's actually REALLY good.
Thanks man.
I guess part of me wants to be competitive with drumming, but another part of me says "hey man, chill, you dont have the skills / are a pocket player, and keep the beat is all"

its like a constant battle with myself...haha

You say it like it's a bad thing.

As a relative newb, I certainly wish I had more chops. But one of the guitarists in my band has more than once told me that he really likes the way that I signal changes by putting in the right fills when we play (we play classic rock stuff).

Being the kind of drummer that other musicians enjoy playing with is the only measure of worthiness that's really worthwhile.

If you turn the lens around - or is it a mirror? - and consider the musicians that you enjoy playing with I suspect that you'll find that killer chops is a small consideration, and that other, more seemingly humble things trump killer-ness.
One thing I've learned - let someone ELSE tell you no. Don't limit yourself.
... it's all about self doubt and self confidence... a nice balance between the 2 is often the best.

This is excellent advice, and this whole thread is lovely. I adore genuine, honest conversation. You guys are great. :)

Why did I agree to do this?
Why did I agree to do this?
Oh God, why did I agree to do this?
That was great, when can I do it again?

Well said! This is what I feel about so many things. I'm just really glad that I push myself so I can get to that last bit where I'm full of energy, and wondering why the hell I doubted the situation.
They are good thoughts IMO. Put the energy used for feeling horrible into working out what your faults are and start working at them to become the better player you know yourself you can be.
Its way better than the person who thinks they are that good.Often good comments can turn to negativity, I just take any on the chin, as a pat on the back, and get on with it.

I always do this, I know I can do better in myself (no matter what others say) and strive to improve, I call it 'Continuous improvement'.

Another thing is never be too proud to be shown or told productively where you are not playing well, iv';e learnt a heap (and be shown) by guitarists. Constructive criticism is your friend to becoming a better player.

You guys said to keep you updated,

well I get hit up from another local band last night to play with them this coming saturday.

You guys said to keep you updated,

well I get hit up from another local band last night to play with them this coming saturday.

Nice! You mean a real paid gig? That's one of the rewards of the work put in, if your playing connects with people....people seek YOU out.


I have been playing a lot of blues jams lately, country gigs. I dont really care for blues, but love country music. My other favorite type of music to listen to is ska / reggae.

Anyway, at the blues jams people are always complimenting my playing. Asking my name, and who I play with etc. Taking my contact info etc.

I have connected online with a local ska/reggae group who is looking for a drummer and they have invited me to come to practice tonight and sent me two songs they will maybe work on tonight.

now I dont have too too much experience playing ska and reggae one drop type of music. I almost want to back out, and I always get this way when I get asked to come audition or practice with someone. Why?

People tell me I am good, etc, but I always feel that I am horrible and really doubt myself and never give myself any positive outlook. Anyone else feel this way?

Go without question. If you've listened to a lot of the music, you'll know what to do.
Nice! You mean a real paid gig? That's one of the rewards of the work put in, if your playing connects with people....people seek YOU out.

Yeah paid gig. Most gigs I play these days are paid. Got asked last night for saturday, and then 2 more the weekend after next with two other acts.
Go without question. If you've listened to a lot of the music, you'll know what to do.

I did. I enjoyed it afterall. I feel that I did so so. It didnt turn out to be a real audition with the others though. it was weird. Since the guitar player / singer is currently in a cast for another week, they had us drummers play and record to two of their tracks.
Yeah paid gig. Most gigs I play these days are paid. Got asked last night for saturday, and then 2 more the weekend after next with two other acts.

Way 2 go.

Yea but 2 other bands hired you. That speaks for itself. It's a long term plan, getting entrenched in your local scene. Hopefully your playing does all the talking. Your reputation builds with every live performance you do. Which can go both ways but in your case things sound like they are on the right path.
Yea but 2 other bands hired you. That speaks for itself. It's a long term plan, getting entrenched in your local scene. Hopefully your playing does all the talking. Your reputation builds with every live performance you do. Which can go both ways but in your case things sound like they are on the right path. of my goals to myself is to try to be one of the local drummers who people think of first or want to be first when they need someone to fill in. What that requires I do not know.

i know i filled in with one band 3 times, and then had another bass player on that gig who was also a fill in and drunk / caught his wife cheating etc, and decided to come to me after a set and try to start crap with me for no reason. Saying I couldnt groove with the bass player etc..I seriously thought we were about to fight or something. I told him, buddy youre the only one I have ever heard complain.

Anyway, the leader of that band (the singer) must have really looked up to that bass player because I never had another gig with them since and someone else took my spot and is now their regular drummer.

Im not that butt hurt about it honestly now, because the gigs were always far away, the singer wasnt that great compared to some others i am playing for now so....whatever. it still sucks because I was kind of pushed aside for no reason, and that was kind of a punch to my pride and a loss of some extra money that I could have been making.