Roland TD50X: Cymbal chokes stopped working in Ableton Live 11


Junior Member
Greetings, all!

I've been recording my Roland TD50X with Ableton Live 11 for a long time. No issues, until now. And it's a weird one.

What I do is record a drums MIDI track in Ableton Live 11. I then do any editing that I feel necessary. I then route that MIDI track back into the drum module, and record the audio that results (I call this "retriggering").

However, the other day, I did my usual thing... But then noticed that the cymbal "chokes" are no longer working upon retriggering.

To be clear: Audio recording of cymbal chokes works fine when playing/recording in real time.

It is when I route the MIDI track to the drum module to retrigger the drums and record the resulting audio that the chokes no longer work.

I began to be suspicious that this problem was only happening in Ableton. I then recorded cymbals with chokes in the Reaper DAW, and then routed the resulting MIDI track back to the drum module to retrigger it... and it works. PERFECTLY. Chokes are recorded in the MIDI track when using REAPER. Chokes are NOT recorded when using ABLETON.

Please see the attached JPEG screen grabs with commentary. There is a TON of information that Ableton is not recording to the MIDI track.

Since Ableton does not have MIDI event history log capability, I exported the Ableton-recorded MIDI to Reaper.

I then recorded the exact same pattern of hit (ring) / hit (choke) / hit (ring) / hit (choke) in Reaper.

I then compared the two MIDI tracks side by side while viewing the MIDI events log. Here are the screen grabs with commentary:



As you can see in the side-by-side analysis of the MIDI events that are being recorded, Ableton is completely failing to record any Poly Aftertouch (or MPE, or whatever you'd like to call it) whatsoever. Reaper is recording Poly Aftertouch perfectly.

Can anyone tell me what is happening here? Why would the Ableton-recorded MIDI track fail to see everything that Reaper is seeing?

I do not want to use Reaper. I paid for and love Ableton. This should not be an issue... And from what I understand, I am not the only one who is experiencing this issue.

I have seen lots of super-complicated "workarounds" for this, but why should we have to perform complicated note-assignment fixes when it works flawlessly in Reaper without a single adjustment of any kind?

Thanks so much for your consideration... This has been driving me nuts for like a week now, lol!
I have literally nothing helpful to prodive so I apologize in advance but I wanted to comment that my cousin does a lot of home recording and production using Logic (he actually puts out some great pro-quality music with this set up). At home he uses an alesis command mesh and recently we tried hooking up my alesis crimson 2 SE, in both cases the midi severely 'dumbed down' the capabilities of both kits. I lost the choke and 1 of 2 zones on the crashes, I lost the choke and 1 of 3 zones on the ride, I lost the rim zone on one of the toms, and initially I lost the hi hat entirely (open, closed, and pedal). We eventually were able to get the hi hat fully functional again, apparently this is common with Logic, but we never got the other issues sorted out.

I'm sure there is a solution and I hope you are able to get to it quickly!