Red label Tama hardware


Senior Member
Not sure what happened, but my earlier post was deleted. Just wondering if anyone knows about this hardware. When was it first available? Is it durable, gig-worthy, etc?

Got a boom cymbal stand with red label (made in Taiwan R.O.C.) for $30. Good deal?
I bought a Tama boom cymbal stand in the mid-80s that was red labeled and had a lever instead of a wing nut to tighten down the down post that goes in the Tripod. Very good stuff back then their logo was the strongest name in drums
Forgot to mention it’s single braced, in case that matters to get the correct time period.
I don't know the full time period, but my Tama Mercury Stilt series stands I bought new in 1991 had the red labels, and they're damn near indestructible, except 3 or 4 wingnuts total stripped out on two tripod bases, likely due to me overtightening. If I was skilled with a rethreading kit, I could get them back to nearly new shape. I still use components of those stands in other tripod bases.