Pork Pie 7x13 little squealer maple snare drum?

ok i have the gretsch catalina maple snare drum that came with the kit and i just cant get what i want out of it, it also needs a whole new snare throw and snares i really would like to purchase either an ocdp 13x7 maple snare or the pork pie 13x7 little squealer maple snare. I love the pork pie snare but its a bit pricey im just looking for an improvement from my old snare so im leaning towards the ocdp just someone please lemme know if its any good? BUT this is where i come to a problem i have used Sabian B8 hi hats that are pretty gunky someone spilled something on em that i just cant clean off i dont really like them i would like new ones but i also would like a new snare i seem to be at an impass if i buy the snare i wont have enough money for the hi hats(at least not for a few months) the hi hats still work but i mean, i dont know thats the problem ...any suggestions?

here's the pork pie 7x13 little squealer maple snare

heres the ocdp
im sorry i posted the depth and diameter wrong its 7x13 for both snares not 13x7
The red OCDP in 7x13 was on sale last month for $99 at the local GC.. dunno if they might do that again. I should've gotten that but instead went with a pearl jordison.
First off, why do you want a 13" snare drum? If I only had one, general purpose snare drum, it would be a 5.5x14. Also, look on eBay and craigslist for a used drum. You should be able to find a high quality used snare drum for $100 - $200.
For the extra $20.00, the Pork Pie is the way to go.
It is a VERY dry drum with all those vents though. I use mine a bunch. With a coated Emperor it is a massive thwack.
yeah.. managed to cop an OCDP for $99 today. It was listed for $199 but the GC guy gave me their sale price from October.
I would compromise, and buy the 12x5 Little Squealer! I love that snare!
My vote goes to the Little Squealer. I thought it sounded good with the stock head on it and then I threw on a black suede Emperor (to match the black suede Ambassadors on the rest of my kit), and noticed I was able to pull more volume out of the drum. However, a snares job isn't just to sound loud. I've found that this drum also works well in the studio because it is dry and the sound can be easily controlled. After messing around with several tunings, I have rested on having the batter head tuned pretty taut, and the snare head fairly loose. I threw on some Puresound snare wires and this baby sings and works for me being a metal drummer.

I think that the Little Squealer is a must have for any drum collector since it's numerous vent holes give it unique dryness and volume. As far as many snares go, this one is pretty affordable and has a look that goes good with most kits (black finish being a neutral color).
i have used both, and last time i checked both are very close in price. for me, i really thought the pork pie sounded alllot better, even with the stock heads so thats where my vote is going.
and as for the hats, i have to say if your going for some real quality hats (and if you have the $) then i would go for the Sabian AAX X-cellorator hats. they sound nice and crisp "chick" closed, and with a strong, nice wash open. if your in a haste to get some cheaper hats then i would say Zildjian ZBT hats. they are pretty clean and crisp for their price range.
The 7x13 Little Squealer sounds really good. I know a guy who has one and uses it in a metal band. Mic'd or un mic'd, this drums cuts through with a dry, precise sound (a lot of that has to do with the multiple vent holes). If I could compare it to anything, I'd have to say it sounds a lot like Tim Alexander's snare drum on the Primus album Frizzle Fry.
If you have just $100 to spend I'd forget a new anything and get a used Ludwig Acrolite. The best overall snare for the money IMO.

Having said that, I have (3) Pork Pie snares (no Squealers). (2) maple and 1 ash. I trust Pork Pie's sound quality a bit more than OC.

I've tapped around at GC's on both the Squealer and an OC snare and always feel the PP wins.

FWIW: I won my 5 x 13 maple Pork Pie snare for $85.00 an an eBay auction. I've seen these priced at $100 used on the L.A. craigslist. GREAT sounding snare and fatter than you'd imagine.

Unless you are using some kind of financing, I'd REALLY recommend you go used. The economy is forcing a lot of players to slim down their collection. Good for buyers, bad for sellers. I speak from experience having been both. ;)

I got my '68 Keystone badge Ludwig Acrolite for $113 including a snare stand from eBay. Microphones love this drum.

Phenomenal deals if you can just jump off of the 'new bandwagon' and spend time shopping for used beauties.

