Need help to ID old Premier Drum set

Looks like 22/10/12/14/14x5.5.
The 14 tom looks like a hanger.
When I sold Premier, that kit would be considered a "Fusion" kit.
Same setup except 14 tom has legs and stands on the floor, would be considered a "Jazz" kit.
Don't recall now if that extended to the Cabria kits, but I know the rest were segregated in that fashion.

Looks like 22/10/12/14/14x5.5.
The 14 tom looks like a hanger.
When I sold Premier, that kit would be considered a "Fusion" kit.
Same setup except 14 tom has legs and stands on the floor, would be considered a "Jazz" kit.
Don't recall now if that extended to the Cabria kits, but I know the rest were segregated in that fashion.

Did find what appears to be a nice chrome over steel 14” XPK snare. Arrived yesterday.
Got a bit of cleanup work to do on the tension rods and it needs some new heads, but the chrome sure looks like your mom worked on this one too Al. Beautiful drum!
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Thank you!
Yes, It sounds pretty good. I think the shell is a little thicker on this one than other steel snares I've played on in the past, so its a tad drier, but still has that nice bright ring to it.
...and all that shiny chrome is a very nice aesthetic, as well. =)

Beautiful drums. I usually don't like green drums but I love the color of these. I've got a Premier Hi Fi snare from the 60's and it looks like it was made yesterday. I have a hard time not playing it and putting my Supraphonics in the closet. Enjoy!