Millenium MPS 1000


New Member
I want to get back to playing drums after a long break, but since I moved to an apartment I'm unable to play on a acoustic set. I want to get e-drums that feel as close to an acoustic set as possible. Is Millenium MPS 1000 a good drumset? Have anyone here played it? Does it have any problems with triggers? Does it support double bass pedal? Or should I rather save up more money and buy roland or alesis?
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Go and play one. If you can't play one - don't buy one - especially as you mention "feel" as a core requirement.

Some would suggest it can be fragile like many Medeli-derived kits.


Stock "what kit" post for your delectation:
Get the one YOU try, like the sound of (so you don't end up having to buy a computer + extra hardware + loads of software), like the feel of, has the functions you want (download and read the manuals), and fits your budget (which you didn't mention).

(....and doesn't have an evil proprietary cable snake, obs).

You ask on here, you'll just get a list of what people own as being the "best" (aka buyers' Stockholm) 😉

Like buying cars or shoes - you need to try 'em - so get to some music stores....

Oh, and get 2nd user for more for your money.

AND - IMPORTANT - remember an ekit is NOT an acoustic kit. Totally different instrument, like a Korg synth is not a Steinway grand.
disclaimer - I have something from everyone - no axe to grind. Been smacking ekits live since '86.

opinion bit only the brave read on.... Alesis can be fragile / Roland and Yamaha for reliability. Roland uses modelled sounds and evil cable snakes / Yamaha has multi-layered sampled sounds and individual inputs.
I want to get back to playing drums after a long break, but since I moved to an apartment I'm unable to play on a acoustic set. I want to get e-drums that feel as close to an acoustic set as possible. Is Millenium MPS 1000 a good drumset? Have anyone here played it? Does it have any problems with triggers? Does it support double bass pedal? Or should I rather save up more money and buy roland or alesis?
I agree with the post above, if feel is important and you don't know much about edrums, visit a store or a few and try as many as you can and maybe tell us about your experience then. Some higher end kits "feel" more like an acoustic because they trigger well and have great sounds and variety or have a thicker mesh head or (as in Yamaha's case) silicon head that responds closer to acoustic drum heads, some people may also feel they need the size and looks of an acoustic kit for the fulll effect. Any of these things will add to the costs, some significantly, so you may also want to think about where you'd compromise if your budget is small. Roland, Yamaha are better kits, for sure. Another option is buying used.
All great advice above. Also, if you already have an A-kit (and you're in love with it) consider going down the A2E route.
I agree with the post above, if feel is important and you don't know much about edrums, visit a store or a few and try as many as you can and maybe tell us about your experience then. Some higher end kits "feel" more like an acoustic because they trigger well and have great sounds and variety or have a thicker mesh head or (as in Yamaha's case) silicon head that responds closer to acoustic drum heads, some people may also feel they need the size and looks of an acoustic kit for the fulll effect. Any of these things will add to the costs, some significantly, so you may also want to think about where you'd compromise if your budget is small. Roland, Yamaha are better kits, for sure. Another option is buying used.
Last time I played was 4 years ago so I problably wouldn't notice differences in rebound etc.
When I said "feel" I was thinking about pad sizes close to acoustic drums and a hihat machine. I don't have any store nearby that sells acoustic-like kits, so ordering online is the only option for me. I've heard mixed opinions about the MPS 1000, so I'm not sure if I should buy it (but its mainly about the hihat, so I could change it if it works badly).
Last time I played was 4 years ago so I problably wouldn't notice differences in rebound etc.
When I said "feel" I was thinking about pad sizes close to acoustic drums and a hihat machine. I don't have any store nearby that sells acoustic-like kits, so ordering online is the only option for me. I've heard mixed opinions about the MPS 1000, so I'm not sure if I should buy it (but its mainly about the hihat, so I could change it if it works badly).

[scary opinion time. Only those of a sound mind read on]

You don't *need* pad sizes close to an acoustic. A drummer typically only hits the centre 4-5" of a drum [pic]. Acoustic sized-pads on an ekit are purely psychological, anachronistic and limiting.

One of the true joys of pads is that you can be freed from the ergonomic and logistical limitations of acoustics whilst opening up new techniques and ways to play beyond that of a ye-olde 1958 acoustic kit.

drum centre hits.jpg
Im the owner of an mps 1000, and yes, this is a great kit. It really feels like an acoustic kit, and there are only very minor flaws to it.
For example, you HAVE to calibrate the hi hat, and then still you gotta press it down quite hard, to get the closed hi hat sound, but that is bearable.
Another flaw is, that i had to disable my floor tom rim, cause sometimes when i hit the floor tom itself, it also triggered the rim for the bass drum. Not all the time, but cause i dont like the rim floor tom sound anyways i disabled it.
Same goes for the snare for the cross stick. That one double triggers sometimes as well, but that might be cause of my playing style, so i disabled the cross stick as well, cause i normally dont use cross stick anyway. And when i play songs that require cross stick, i simply enable it again.

The only downside for me is the ride, which feels different. Not bad per se, but different. And i had to adjust it, to find the sweet spot so it registered any stroke i played, which resulted in having the ride bow sound always be the same volume. But thats for me, there are also other settings where you can have more sensitivity, but this is what works for me the best.

All in all, it seems there are still much flaws to it, but thats absolutely not the case. These little things are very minor, and it plays like a dream, but you gotta adjust to it a bit, and then everything is great really.

I own it now for almost 2 months and i love it!

Btw, yes, you can use double bass pedals on it without any problems.

So yes, for the amount of money it requires, definitely go for it! You wont be disapointed! And as well, you can hook up 1 extra tom or cybal, cause with the base set, there is still a trigger port left to fill up.
In my case i will go in the future for a third tom tom, instead of a second floor tom, cause i dont have enough space for a second tom tom, but i do have space for a third tom tom.

So yes, go for it! Really its a good set!