Is this bad form or not? (Gig etiquette)

another gig etiquette thing that is gone is loading in and out while other bands are on stage. That was a HUGE no no back in the day. If your stuff was not in the club by soundcheck, it was not getting in. And you di NOT leave while the other bands were playing. This also is not a thing anymore...and to me it is super disrespectful

We play with other bands pretty often, for the most part, it doesn't bother me if a band doesn't listen to us...


It ticks me off if they don't listen to us for at least 2-3 songs, and WE are the ones who have volunteered OUR gear as their backline for the evening. That ticks me off, and yet it happens all the time.
We were playing one night and our singer announced another bands gig for the following night. I was so pissed! I found out later it was that band that got us the gig so it was like a favor but it still hasn't sat well with me. I wouldn't mention another venue either, thats not cool for the house. We always make sure the managemnt and wait staff like us and we view ourselves as employees of the venue.
We play with other bands pretty often, for the most part, it doesn't bother me if a band doesn't listen to us...


It ticks me off if they don't listen to us for at least 2-3 songs, and WE are the ones who have volunteered OUR gear as their backline for the evening. That ticks me off, and yet it happens all the time.

II just don't like them loading out through the crowd, while we are playing. If it is out a side or back door, that is fine.

it is like a "space respect" thing I guess.

and it pisses off our leader even more when they ask for pay early. Again, the etiquette back in the day was "stay to get paid"
As many have said, there are a lot of variables. I like the practice of mentioning the bands Facebook page, "to keep up with where we'll be playing". We do that at all of our shows, a couple times over the course of the night. I have mentioned the band appearing at the club the next night upon occasion, no harm in trying to drum up a little business for the club paying me that night, and usually the bands in question are friends of ours, small community.

In our scenario, primarily in clubs/bars, I may very well mention where we'll be next to people when I'm on break and schmoozing with patrons. But never from the stage.
I wouldn't have advertised another venue by name. I'd have just said, we will be playing again locally on whatever date, go to our website for details. Thus you are advertising yourself, not the other venue. Naming another venue is disrespectful to the current place's owner.
one argument we used to use in jest with the club owners was "if you book us again, we will stop announcing shows at other venues...

it usually worked....