Hurricane Sandy One Year Later


Platinum Member
Hurricain Sandy actually made land fall in the US on October 24,but hit the greater NY/NJ metropolitan area on the evening of October 29,2012.

Sandy was the largest hurricain to ever hit the US,and was the size of western Europe.
The storm surge recorded at over 14 feet,or around 4.3 meters.Eight of the eleven NY subway tunnels were completely flooded.The flood waters exceeded that of any flood in the recorded history of NY City by over 4 feet almost 1.3 meters.

There was a large oil tanker,washed almost 30 feet ashore,almost 9 meters.

Many homes were destroyed,including my daughters and others remain condemned,awaiting demolishion here on Staten island.There are still thousands living in shelters/tents and on friend and relatives couches.Food and clothing,in addition to shelter remains a problem,as many businesses were destroyed,jobs were lost,which affected many at or close to the poverty line

The insurance companies and FEMA, STILL haven't settled claims,and winter is coming for the east coast,with temps going into the low 40's and 30's F at night.

I've been volunteering where I can,but have little in the way of providing financial assistence as I already have to my daughter and her family.

I know I've asked before,but If any of you could spare anything,please donate to the Robinhood relief foundation,who had volunreers on site before the Red Cross.They even bought a large tanker truck full of fuel to gas up the trucks transporting food and supplies to those that needed it.

The main difference between the two is that every single dollar you donate,goes directly to providing aid to those that are affected..The Red Cross has salaried employees,and overhead.Robinhood is 100% volunteer.

So if you can please go to

Thanks guys.

Steve B
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Thanks for the reminder. Out of sight out of mind, as far as tragedies like this go. No longer a popular story in the media anymore. It seems mindless people like Miley Cyrus get more press than the victims of Sandy. I will make a donation.