How long do you keep sticks?

You are a VF 3A user too??!!

OMG........that's so awesome 😎

Me too 😊

If you use them, then that's the best endorsement ever mate.

They are just wonderful, wonderful sticks.

no crap?! I don't know anyone else who uses them.

I spent years searching for a stick that has the weight/feel of a marching stick, but not the size. I started using them about 6 years ago and never looked back!! I also liked the sound the tip gets out of the ride.

Cool to know!!
For me there’s a few categories.

For recording, I use nice fresh sticks. Meaning, mostly, that the tip is giving me a good ride sound.

For practicing or just mucking around, I’ll go past the chipped-tip stage, but not too far, partly because chewed tips seem to wear out the drum mutes I often use. So it’s sort of finding a balance between cost of new sticks vs cost of new mutes vs sound vs feel.

For rehearsing at commercial rehearsal places on grungy beat up kits with gungy ride cymbals, I bring a whole separate set of sticks. I tend to use them further into their inevitable chip/crack stage if it’s jamming/rehearsing loud rock tunes.
By a unique set of circumstances I'm playing exclusively E kit at the moment, a Yamaha with rubber rims. The one benefit is that the sticks last forever. It'll be a couple of years before I get back on an acoustic and I'll still be using the same sticks!
no crap?! I don't know anyone else who uses them.

I spent years searching for a stick that has the weight/feel of a marching stick, but not the size. I started using them about 6 years ago and never looked back!! I also liked the sound the tip gets out of the ride.

Cool to know!!

Word 🤘

I used the VF F1 American Classic for a bit, then searched for something that filled out my hands a bit more with better balance......and the 3AN really just answered my prayers.
Word 🤘

I used the VF F1 American Classic for a bit, then searched for something that filled out my hands a bit more with better balance......and the 3AN really just answered my prayers.

yeah...I used to use the SD-1 Generals, but the bead would shred pretty quickly. I can't play with the smaller sticks either...5 A's or B's feels like nothing is in my hands.
no crap?! I don't know anyone else who uses them.
My old trusty ProMark 808 is a 3A with a different designation (why, I dunno).

yeah...I used to use the SD-1 Generals, but the bead would shred pretty quickly. I can't play with the smaller sticks either...5 A's or B's feels like nothing is in my hands.
3A is typically between 5A and 5B (as was the 808), is it not...?
I am going to have to keep my last pair of Regals forever, I absolutely CANNOT bear to lose them now that the company went under. Nobody makes sticks in this size and my system is used to the feeling of them- hands, wrists etc. Honestly do not know what to do if I can't find any on Ebay once my last pair breaks apart.
What Regal Tip model do you play?
I play almost all Nylon Tip so i never have problems with Tips breaking. I keep them until they feel off balance or too light. usually about a month.
I m going to change to wood tip cause they are cheaper. the price increase in January was brutal.
My old trusty ProMark 808 is a 3A with a different designation (why, I dunno).

yep...I also used 808's for a while, and liked the way they felt. Especially the Shira Kashi oak ones. From what I understand, they can't get that kind of oak anymore. I actually liked the bead sound on the ride better on those than the 3A's
3A is typically between 5A and 5B (as was the 808), is it not...?

hmmm...I don't know about that...could be.
I use 5A or 3A (between 5A and 5B). I rarely break sticks; they get whittled thinner over time until they sound weak, like smaller than 7As.

Nylon tips. Used ProMark for 30+ years because they guaranteed the tips didn't come off- and to be fair, they haven't, although I have a couple of pairs now that the tips freely spin, which is disconcerning- but they've discontinued my preferred models, so I'm on the hunt for something similar. I'll probably go with Vater Fusion, but I'm a bit stocked up currently.

I've had nylon tips fly off some ProMark sticks, but that was several years before the aforementioned guarantee began. It's also been over 30 years since I've broken a stick- a Vater 3A split nearly in two.

Re: glue- what sort? I tried that early on with the aforementioned ProMarks, with regular super glue, but it never lasted long. Re: switching- same, except it's for chipping from edges of hats/crashes. (This doesn't happen quickly- I don't strike at an extreme angle. Good technique. /humblebrag, lol)
I tried Vater 5b N once and the Tip was loose and they broke after an hour. Never again. Pro mark, Vic Firth or LA Specials for me.
I use a stick until:

The wear is enough to make it feel different or is severe enough that it's likely the stick won't make it through the next song.

Or until he tip flies off (very rare however).

Or until it unexpectedly breaks. Buy I usually see that coming, and I probably discard more sticks than being forced to replace them in the song.
I use them till they break, though the sticks I’ve been using for the past few months are starting to feel a little odd. And yet, I will use them till they break.
I use 5A or 3A (between 5A and 5B). I rarely break sticks; they get whittled thinner over time until they sound weak, like smaller than 7As.

Nylon tips. Used ProMark for 30+ years because they guaranteed the tips didn't come off- and to be fair, they haven't, although I have a couple of pairs now that the tips freely spin, which is disconcerning- but they've discontinued my preferred models, so I'm on the hunt for something similar. I'll probably go with Vater Fusion, but I'm a bit stocked up currently.

I've had nylon tips fly off some ProMark sticks, but that was several years before the aforementioned guarantee began. It's also been over 30 years since I've broken a stick- a Vater 3A split nearly in two.

Re: glue- what sort? I tried that early on with the aforementioned ProMarks, with regular super glue, but it never lasted long. Re: switching- same, except it's for chipping from edges of hats/crashes. (This doesn't happen quickly- I don't strike at an extreme angle. Good technique. /humblebrag, lol)
It doesn’t happen often . I’ve had good results with jb superweld. I make sure to sand off any old glue so the surface grips and takes the glue, and use a small round file inside the tip and I don’t use em for a few days . Next time it happens , after I apply the glue, I’m gonna sprinkle a little baking soda on both glued areas. It’s supposed to set and cure faster and stronger. I’ll report results when I do it . Could be a bit as I haven’t had one come off in awhile.
Correction: I know the 808 was; it's one of the reasons why I chose it. :)

cool...will file that away in the knowledge vault!!
Nylon tips; I got the cheap, commonly warped 7a no name sticks from Guitar Center in the bulk bag once or twice. The tips never came off.