Hearing Loss Even After Hearing Protection

Sorry to hear all of that - sounds like you are in a pretty sucky situation. All I can suggest is, if possible, make sure you are under the care of a good ears, nose and throat doctor (not just a primary care doc or internist) and get a test done by an actual audiologist, not just a hearing aid dispenser type person.

Best of luck with all of that.
++On the Ear Nose and Throat. Just had a brief brush with a cough. I've been mixing alot, and oh noes tinnitus. But, wait sinus drainage, clear that up and ringing goes away. You can tell if it is sinus drainage if the sound changes when you move your jaw.
Well, I just learned with all the care I've given my ears over the years, I have lost hearing typical with those in noisy environments. Granted, I've not been able to afford IEMs or fancy protection, but I've never exposed my ears to loud environments. Most of the time, I'm the only one with hearing protection of any kind and yet, here I am with 18db loss at 4k and above. Kinda chaps me, but doc said it's pretty typical that even with hearing protection, bone induction still does damage to hearing over time. I guess perhaps a glass bubble was more appropriate than hearing protection.

Anyone make the same discovery?
35 years with Poison, loud stages with Pyro… yeah, I have loss!
No, but mine has!
I wouldn’t wish deafness or tinnitus on anyone, but I must admit I’d be a little bummed if I went to a Poison show and you capped the PA at 90 db ;)

I remember doing a show with Bowzer from Sha Na Na at Hershey Park amphitheater and you were playing the stadium. Even as far away as we were, holy crap were you loud! A very good loud, though!
I wouldn’t wish deafness or tinnitus on anyone, but I must admit I’d be a little bummed if I went to a Poison show and you capped the PA at 90 db ;)

I remember doing a show with Bowzer from Sha Na Na at Hershey Park amphitheater and you were playing the stadium. Even as far away as we were, holy crap were you loud! A very good loud, though!
Not sure what show you at, but I’m impressed you had DB meter with you!
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It's not easy to read the hieroglyphics, but my right is a bit worse than the left.

My tinnitus seems to be just at the top end of the human range of hearing. I really couldn't tell you. It's like the sound you hear after getting knocked out, but forever. Luckily it's not too pronounced, and hides itself well enough behind background noises.
Looks like you're doing better than me. Red ink is right ear where I've lost most of my high frequencies. 20230206_155547.jpg
Welcome to the club-it can be from loud environment exposure, an infection, even antibiotics like gentamicin, neomycin and other aminoglycosides can be ototoxic-as well as certain chemo for cancer. Loud noises usually affect higher frequencies first because those hair cells are closer to sound source-traveling through stapes to oval window.
Dang, that’s a serious dip. Hearing aids?
No hearing aids for me yet. But the doctor explained this is why I can hear everything in a crowded restaurant except for the person sitting right next to me. Too much bass makes everything muddled.
Anyone with hearing loss find that bone phones are better than in-ear aids?...and if so, does it seem related to the frequencies notched?
Ok hear ya. (pun intended)

I've been attempting to curb my hearing issues too. I'm finding earplugs that block 20-23db is not enough. I'm starting to double up; earbuds and muffs.
My vision has been sorted by lasers. It's now better than 20/20.

I really expect that we will see viable tinnitus treatments available to the public within 10 years.

As far as my own tinnitus, it was almost entirely self inflicted in one day. My general hearing loss can easily be attributed to working in trades and occasionally being cavalier about just getting something done.
Awesome! Frick'n Lasers.
Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE
I just had my hearing checked again (last time was probably 7-8 years ago, so I was due). I'm 50 and have been playing in loud rock bands for over 30 years, but I've always worn earplugs on stage/rehearsals and headphones when practicing at home (since age 12). Still, I've been to my fair share of loud concerts and played with guitarists who crank it to 11, so I'm surprised by my results. I do expect my scores to drop as I get older, though, especially in my left ear, which is my preferred floor monitor side.

Shout-out to Earasers, which I've used for 10 years, and DreamEarz earplugs. Both have saved my hearing so far.

I ruined my ears at age 5

I would get friends to cup their hands over my ears and hum loud, low notes. Because it felt good, the vibrations on my ear drum, as I was unknowingly ruining my hearing

At age 6 I was convinced I could hear radio and TV waves. What does a 6YO know about tinnitus?

The good news is I don't have to wear ear protection because what's the point?

No matter what I am hearing, the tinnitus is twice as strong. It's always there, 100% of the time. First thing I hear in the morning, last thing I hear before falling asleep, and everything in between. I've become a master of ignoring it.