Drummerworld also on TikTok...

I Dont Want To No Way GIF by Netflix Is a Joke
Don't know about other parts of the world, but here in the US Tik Tok is a current political hot potato controversy over national security.
It might be banned:

England has already banned TikTok. The ban is not about censorship as some are claiming. This is about spying from a Communist country. I don't understand why we are going there.
England has already banned TikTok. The ban is not about censorship as some are claiming. This is about spying from a Communist country. I don't understand why we are going there.
England hasn't 'banned' TikTok. They've banned it from Government devices. Which, to be honest is probably the case for 99% of applications and services as they should be running a very tight device security posture if they've got half a brain.

With that said, I have serious reservations about the service. And Temu for that matter.
also an anti-social media guy. Never even had Myspace or Facebook. Don't want any part of that miasma of stupidity. I will comfortably stay in my bubble of forums and yelling at clouds
A quick reminder about the various applicable rules, such as "Don't join a conversation to say how much you don't like something," and "No politics." Yes, social media is a fraught topic. Yes, certain laws are in play for various reasons. Here we talk about drums, drummers, and drumming, and the exceptions are clearly delineated. Please and thank you.
I have no opinion on this. Just tried TIKTOK - but had no success - only 2000 Followers and not augmenting....till now...

Instagram: we went from 2'000 to 80'000 in some weeks....strange this all...

It would appear that Chinese bots don't care about Gene Krupa or Steve Gadd. Their loss.
I remember starting on Twitter years ago and never used it. Now it's X found I'm still there surprisingly. I haven't checked out the Tic Tac but my impression it's for a more youthful juvenile audience with all the crazy videos linked on YT? Also people apparently sell crap on there. Sounds like FB LOL. But I really like DW on Facebook-it's awesome. So I'm down for the exposure on other social outlets-more places to check out awesome drum related content.