Does anyone use the strainer to install snare wires?


"Uncle Larry"
Meaning to install by hand, and tighten down the strings/straps/ribbon...but not all the way. So when I engage the strainer, the wire set can slip and the strainer makes the wires go where they want to sit before (possibly re-adjusting the wires and) tightening down all the way.

Inspired by a post from @Homeularis

I find that using the strainer tension with non tightened down slippy wires makes it much easier to get the wires parallel, centered and happy.

Let the strainer make the even tension.

Does anyone do this as well?
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Not me. I install wires with the throw off engaged, but at almost its lowest tension. I then center the wires and lock in one side (sometimes the throw off side, usually the butt side) and then pull the wires finger tight and lock in the other side and then take up what tiny little bit of slack there might be with the adjustment knob.
If I understood your description right, then yes, I do the same thing. 😊
Not me. I install wires with the throw off engaged, but at almost its lowest tension. I then center the wires and lock in one side (sometimes the throw off side, usually the butt side) and then pull the wires finger tight and lock in the other side and then take up what tiny little bit of slack there might be with the adjustment knob.