Does anyone play video games?

I've put on 140 hours combined into Fallout 3 and Fallout:New Vegas in the last few months. Anybody that claims that computer games cannot be art hasn't played either of them.

Hi Dunc. o people say they can't be art? I have as much experience with games as I do with clarinet, and even I know that they have graphic design, music, sound design, character design, world-building and plotting. The programming itself would be an art too.

Aside from playing Tetris until my hands hurt, I also remember watching some friends playing Leisure Suit Larry back in the day, but they kept hogging it and I never got a go. It all struck me as kind of arbitrary anyway.
I've put on 140 hours combined into Fallout 3 and Fallout:New Vegas in the last few months. Anybody that claims that computer games cannot be art hasn't played either of them.
Fallout New Vegas is my absolute favorite game of all time. My favorite build is a no armor pistols only sneaky thief type. Stealth one-shotting deathclaws with a 44 mag in VATS is ridiculously gratifying.
Anyone who says video games cannot be art has not played any Lucasarts adventure games - especially the Monkey Island series.

They literally hand-drawn the backgrounds before putting the sprites on screen - that's actual artwork.
I don't currently game and I'm not sure if it's because I outgrew video games or if it's because video games outgrew me.

I can't seem to get the hang of modern controllers and the hyper-busy backgrounds and the overall action are overstimulating to the point of saturation.

I guess I peaked in the Sega Genesis and the mouse/keyboard era. Any video gaming activity that I do now is watching others play, which can be entertaining in it's own right.

It's funny. I got what I wished for when I was growing up in the arcades: the possibility of almost total immersion. And I don't care anymore.
It's totally cool that your gaming preferences have evolved over time. Nostalgia for the Sega Genesis and the mouse/keyboard era is real! Sometimes, the modern gaming scene can be a bit overwhelming with all the high-tech controllers and hyper-visuals. Watching others play is a unique way to enjoy the gaming world without diving in yourself!
A lot of people criticize gaming as somewhat of a kids toy, something you grow out of as you get older, personally I find it an exciting, creative medium full of artistic expression and creative thought.

Does anyone else share my sentiment? It would be nice to hear that someone else cares.
Better than going out and drinking, risking a DWI or jail or both hurting yourself or worse someone else...
Amazon have finally released the trailer for their Fallout TV show, releasing next April.

Has more of the look of Fallout 4 / 76 but I’m good with that.

Absolutely cannot wait to watch this. My favourite series of games, by far.
So I finally got around to starting the Half-Life reboot Black Mesa, and just so that I can have reference to the storyline and hopefully remember some of the things I've forgotten in the last 25 years I'm also watching a game walk-thru video, and somehow the video is less than 7 hours long. I played that stupid game for a year and it can be done in less than 7 hours??!
My name comes from Chrono Trigger - My favourite game of all time. The music in it is ridiculous. especially considering it was created for the super nintendo.

Been really into Starfield lately and what can i say... stunning game! Over 110 hours in this game so far!

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And ofcourse... probably my fav game since the last 3 or 4 years. Minecraft.

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Starfield‘s a great game isn’t it.

I started it about a month ago and I feel I’ve barely scratched the surface. Huge game.

Really enjoying it so far, will probably play it exclusively (apart from brief sessions on Fallout 76) for a while yet.
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I have all 3 of the Stalker games. Very cool and scary, especially when all the lights are off. Call of Pripyat is the best one straight out of the box without any mods. Clear Sky? What a mess. Shadow of Chernobyl is really cool if you mod it with the Oblivion Lost super mod.
Stalker 2 pretty soon!

Are you also a Tarkov fan? Lots of crossover there.
I’ve been a gamer since Pong. I remember when I was working on masters I bought Mattel intelevision and all their games. I loved playing Mortal combat and Hook on my Game gear- still have it somewhere in storage
My name comes from Chrono Trigger - My favourite game of all time. The music in it is ridiculous. especially considering it was created for the super nintendo.

Big fan of Chrono Trigger here too!! Pretty sure it's my #1 game of all time too because of the music and the story. We all really loved the music of that game. :)

I am still playing the game these days, I just finished the future and discovered magic in the end of time! I am pretty sure I'll go through the whole game, it's so sweet, the caracters are kind and everything what an incredible story.

I had forgotten the music of Zeal, it's incredible what they did with the extreme limitations of the Snes, it's unbelievable. I bought the PS5 lately and trying various games, I am having a lot of fun but nothing is beating the sheer talent involved in the original Chrono Trigger or FF3 and FF7 and others.

That opening bellow impressed me so much back then I think it's one of the greatest work of art on SNES. I read that the guy who worked on the music of secret of mana slept in his studio often in order to find solutions to create something so incredible with so much limitations!

ah these are good memories.
Starfield‘s a great game isn’t it.

I started it about a month ago and I feel I’ve barely scratched the surface. Huge game.

Really enjoying it so far, will probably play it exclusively (apart from brief sessions on Fallout 76) for a while yet.

There is so much to explore there! Great game indeed!
Mostly racing sims; F1, Dirt Rally 2
On pc I play submarine and air combat sims.

Also still playing Skyrim, Fallout 4, Borderlands

I really miss the original Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six games. Talk about a golden era. I held on to an older Windows PC for years specifically to keep playing those.