Brass swivel nuts


Junior Member
Is there a supplier of brass swivel nuts at a nice price for a set? Pearl swivel nuts are pricey.
Hey I'm a nut. And I swivel. Sorry :)

Sometimes you feel like a nut!
Sounds like you’re channeling your inner GetAgrippa
And sometimes you don't (feel like a nut). I think you ruined it for me. Now go get a grip :)

Wait. What is a swivel nut? Don't all nuts swivel in order to be tightened?? Oh, they swivel AFTER they've been tightened. Hmmm
Bumping an older thread here. I'm looking to replace the swivel nuts in an old Pearl Export kit and can't believe the prices. I'd prefer brass for originality, but wow, it would cost hundreds of dollars.

Got my hopes up when I saw this place has some swivel nuts described as brass for a great price:

Unfortunately if you trace back to the manufacturer/wholesaler (World Max) description, it turns out they're actually "brass with chrome color" which I guess means they're chrome plated rather than raw brass: is awesome. They may be sold out. But they do a good job of getting things in stock.

Also look on Ebay has the brass Pearl swivel nuts in stock but they're almost five bucks apiece. They also have the nuts sourced from World Max USA in stock for a good price but they're chrome plated brass instead of just brass (they're the same ones that sells). The brass ones currently on Ebay are high priced.

The trick is finding unplated brass swivel nuts for a reasonable price.