Anyone else despise flippers/dealers?

Bro-in-law who never hesitates to go into debt bought what I've been wanting and financed $50k. I decided to save up and finance way less. The same truck is now $70k. People are paying it all day long, but threat after thread on car forums I read about how the dealerships are ripping everyone off. Well....if people are paying it....
With a 50k loan, people are paying it all day long..... to a bank.
A lot of these seemingly overpriced " second hand " goods are I believe new but being presented as " mint " in order to circumvent manufacturer/ dealer agreements.. as well. can't blame them for trying to get their investment return. hence the refused offers that don't cover what they have in it.. therefor new is appealling to the buyer as you get guarantees etc..
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I've noticed crazy prices on Reverb, but it doesn't make me angry. Those people are going to be sitting on their items for a long time, it's their problem, not mine. For me, used gear in mint condition needs to be something like 20%+ cheaper than new gear, otherwise I'd rather get it new. Especially when it comes to cymbals. Every time I get a used cymbal it looks like the guy ate a dozen chicken wings before gripping it with all 10 fingers.
Why be angry? In a market economy the price is determined by the market. Buy low sell as high as someone is willing to pay. If no buyers the price comes down. That's the way it works.
I think the problem is price fixing and yes no body is twisting arms..

Why be angry? In a market economy the price is determined by the market. Buy low sell as high as someone is willing to pay. If no buyers the price comes down. That's the way it works.
Outside of supply demand 101, there are douche bag sellers. For instance, the ass clown I was dealing with wants $70 to ship a 13" tom. Not only are the prices insane, they are profiting on shipping. Even with the high shipping rates we are seeing right now, based on box dimensions and weight that is a $30 max shipping rate from the most Southern corner or California to the top East corner of Maine. This has nothing to do with basic supply demand freshman Economics 101 that people keep referencing but rather the dirt-bag dealers on Reverb and eBay.

There are many small business and individuals who make a profit selling gear. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and its the foundational bedrock that capitalism is built on. Capitalism has been VERY good to me and this isn't about money but principle. This guy wants $250 for a 13" tom and $70 shipping. The guy wont budge and is insulting via PM when offered a fair price - $175 is what I offered which is high but I wanted it. Guy replies back with a jackass attitude that rubbed me the wrong way. Two days later, same drum appears for $150 plus $25 shipping. I am not against buying and selling or profit margins. Its just certain sellers have a vibe that just erks me.
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I was looking for a used New Gretsch Classic snare drum, and I found the prices ridiculous. Often they're more than they were when new. Seems like Reverb just corners the online market.
Outside of supply demand 101, there are douche bag sellers. For instance, the ass clown I was dealing with wants $70 to ship a 13" tom. Not only are the prices insane, they are profiting on shipping. Even with the high shipping rates we are seeing right now, based on box dimensions and weight that is a $30 max shipping rate from the most Southern corner or California to the top East corner of Maine. This has nothing to do with basic supply demand freshman Economics 101 that people keep referencing but rather the dirt-bag dealers on Reverb and eBay.

There are many small business and individuals who make a profit selling gear. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and its the foundational bedrock that capitalism is built on. Capitalism has been VERY good to me and this isn't about money but principle. This guy wants $250 for a 13" tom and $70 shipping. The guy wont budge and is insulting via PM when offered a fair price - $175 is what I offered which is high but I wanted it. Guy replies back with a jackass attitude that rubbed me the wrong way. Two days later, same drum appears for $150 plus $25 shipping. I am not against buying and selling or profit margins. Its just certain sellers have a vibe that just erks me.
There's no way he can ship that drum from Maine to California for $30. I shipped two snares out this week. Both from Pittsburgh. One to San Jose, CA ($53) and one to Rosemead, CA (near LA, $43). You're fudging the numbers to bolster your case for him not accepting your offer. You think your offer of $175 for a $250 ask is high? LOL, I would have told you to get lost too. :ROFLMAO: (n)
There's no way he can ship that drum from Maine to California for $30. I shipped two snares out this week. Both from Pittsburgh. One to San Jose, CA ($53) and one to Rosemead, CA (near LA, $43). You're fudging the numbers to bolster your case for him not accepting your offer. You think your offer of $175 for a $250 ask is high? LOL, I would have told you to get lost too. :ROFLMAO: (n)
We need to talk about shipping. It cost me $50 to ship a lightweight snare from Phoenix to Denver. Your prices are a pure bargain. And to add to your post $175 for a $250 ask is known as a lowball. Any reply from the seller was more than most would have done.
I shipped a snare from Portland to Pittsburgh this week, UPS, for $67. Admittedly, I used a box that was a bit bigger than necessary, as I bubblewappred that baby like she was the crown jewels.
I used to flip kits on CL but I was almost always in the budget realm, I'd buy a kit for $100-150, clean the shells up, put new heads on and replace any broken hardware and sell it for $50-75 profit, I like the process of taking a dusty old kit and making it functional again and with my GC discount heads and parts were relatively inexpensive.

There's a guy in my area that buys and sells stuff constantly, possibly this dude's sole source of income. I sold him an old Premier APK kit for $150, I only paid $50 for the kit and I was glad to see it go! He listed it on Reverb for $450, I watched the price drop every few days til it finally sold for $185 and he probably had to deal with shipping it, I call that a win for me.
We need to talk about shipping. It cost me $50 to ship a lightweight snare from Phoenix to Denver. Your prices are a pure bargain. And to add to your post $175 for a $250 ask is known as a lowball. Any reply from the seller was more than most would have done.
I use Fedex Ground for everything. All I've done was create an account of my own, with a cr cd attached so it just bills it straight to the card. It's not a big corporate account or anything close to that. They may have told me I get some kind of discount but I don't think it's much. I don't ship through Reverb, I use my own account and just enter a tracking # for the buyer. Either on the order or I just Reverb msg it to him/her. But this guy saying can get a tom from SoCal to Maine for $30 is off his rocker. I shipped my old Delite kit from PIT to Washington State and it was $450!! I had only charged the guy $2-250 for shipping. I took a bath on that and that was BEFORE all this Covid stuff.
There's no way he can ship that drum from Maine to California for $30. I shipped two snares out this week. Both from Pittsburgh. One to San Jose, CA ($53) and one to Rosemead, CA (near LA, $43). You're fudging the numbers to bolster your case for him not accepting your offer. You think your offer of $175 for a $250 ask is high? LOL, I would have told you to get lost too. :ROFLMAO: (n)
I ship stuff all over the US weekly through a corporate account. Also, a snare is heavier than a mid 70s thin ply tom. It is based on dimension and weight - I ran the numbers but I do get substantial discounts. However, lets roll your numbers for conversation sake -$70 is a 26% markup on shipping to your $53. I am not ok with those margins.

Lowball? Same drum is up for sale for $150 from another seller right now. My offer was far from lowball and was a solid fair price offer for a 13" tom from that manufacturer/era. Not that it matters,, but I also did a price history search in eBay prior to making the offer. I bought an 18" floor tom yesterday from the same family for $250 and less than $70 shipping. That $250 was the advertised price. It was fair so I bought it. I can't stand low-ballers so no I am not a lowballer.

Nice try - looks like your just another high priced Reverb guy defending one of your own. :ROFLMAO:

Ok, now that we are done busting each other's balls let me try to save you and your customer's some money. First, I am 100% for the small business owner; my father has been a used merchandise "dealer" for over 60 years and still runs a successful eBay marketplace store in his retirement. If you have large items to send like a multi-boxed drum set, price Greyhound (yes the bus line). They offer substantially cheaper rates since the bellies of those buses remain empty for the most part as they crisscross the US. It does require you and the customer to drop off and pick up at the nearest terminal but the cost savings are often well worth the added time/labor/fuel to do so.

Honestly, I wish you well on your business Vader.
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People flip cars (me), people flip houses, the commodities market runs on speculation which is a fancy word for manipulation. This aspect of consumerism isn't new and it's not going away. Most people who are selling something are doing so in an attempt to make a some kind of profit, that's capitalism.
Like Bo said, if you don't like the price don't buy it, no one is forcing your hand. The more people don't pay ridiculous prices, the faster the market will correct itself.
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What I don't understand are the people who buy new gear and then immediately turn around and sell it, sudden financial situations notwithstanding.

There's a guy over on DrumForum who is right now selling 5 or 6 really nice new boutique snare drums. All were purchased and played on for about 10 minutes before he decided that they weren't what he is looking for. He's only sold a few because I think others find it bizarre what he's doing. If one does sell, he puts another one up. I just don't get that kind of logic.

Cheese us, it takes me weeks sometimes to dial in a drum to the sound that makes it sound it's best. If I've spent a considerable amount of time playing a drum and can't get to sound the way I like, only then will I consider selling it.
Outside of supply demand 101, there are douche bag sellers. For instance, the ass clown I was dealing with wants $70 to ship a 13" tom. Not only are the prices insane, they are profiting on shipping. Even with the high shipping rates we are seeing right now, based on box dimensions and weight that is a $30 max shipping rate from the most Southern corner or California to the top East corner of Maine. This has nothing to do with basic supply demand freshman Economics 101 that people keep referencing but rather the dirt-bag dealers on Reverb and eBay.

There are many small business and individuals who make a profit selling gear. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and its the foundational bedrock that capitalism is built on. Capitalism has been VERY good to me and this isn't about money but principle. This guy wants $250 for a 13" tom and $70 shipping. The guy wont budge and is insulting via PM when offered a fair price - $175 is what I offered which is high but I wanted it. Guy replies back with a jackass attitude that rubbed me the wrong way. Two days later, same drum appears for $150 plus $25 shipping. I am not against buying and selling or profit margins. Its just certain sellers have a vibe that just erks me.
$70 isn't an insane price shipping coast-to-coast. If he's selling on Reverb then he can use their shipping and save a lot of money - they're often 50% of price of shipping as an individual. UPS seems to be cheapest via Reverb. Dimensions of that box are gonna be 16x16x20 allowing for sufficient protective material. Weight around 15 pounds with packing material and box weight. That comes to $79 using UPS calculator and Maine zip 04240. Cali 91301. Only $50 if package was 14x14x14 and 15 lbs, but box is gonna be bigger than that. I'd probably list shipping at $70, too, but I'd also use Reverb shipping and refund you the difference. But I don't think his shipping cost is way off.

Bottom line is he's not a scum bag from what you have described. He's trying to make as much as possible on the sale. Market will dictate what he sells it for. Shipping is an estimate and gamble as a seller before you know where you're shipping. I always sell with "free" shipping, but I bake it into price of item. If someone makes offer and they're a state away then my shipping costs may be low. If they're in Cali I may decline the offer or counter with higher offer to cover shipping.
I ship stuff all over the US weekly through a corporate account. Also, a snare is heavier than a mid 70s thin ply tom. It is based on dimension and weight - I ran the numbers but I do get substantial discounts. However, lets roll your numbers for conversation sake -$70 is a 26% markup on shipping to your $53. I am not ok with those margins.

Lowball? Same drum is up for sale for $150 from another seller right now. My offer was far from lowball and was a solid fair price offer for a 13" tom from that manufacturer/era. Not that it matters,, but I also did a price history search in eBay prior to making the offer. I bought an 18" floor tom yesterday from the same family for $250 and less than $70 shipping. That $250 was the advertised price. It was fair so I bought it. I can't stand low-ballers so no I am not a lowballer.

Nice try - looks like your just another high priced Reverb guy defending one of your own. :ROFLMAO:

Ok, now that we are done busting each other's balls let me try to save you and your customer's some money. First, I am 100% for the small business owner; my father has been a used merchandise "dealer" for over 60 years and still runs a successful eBay marketplace store in his retirement. If you have large items to send like a multi-boxed drum set, price Greyhound (yes the bus line). They offer substantially cheaper rates since the bellies of those buses remain empty for the most part as they crisscross the US. It does require you and the customer to drop off and pick up at the nearest terminal but the cost savings are often well worth the added time/labor/fuel to do so.

Honestly, I wish you well on your business Vader.
I don't have a business. I just like to try different stuff. I had to sell a couple of my snares to pay for a kit that I had just bought. If you don't like the prices somebody is asking, scroll on by.
There's no way he can ship that drum from Maine to California for $30. I shipped two snares out this week. Both from Pittsburgh. One to San Jose, CA ($53) and one to Rosemead, CA (near LA, $43). You're fudging the numbers to bolster your case for him not accepting your offer. You think your offer of $175 for a $250 ask is high? LOL, I would have told you to get lost too. :ROFLMAO: (n)
Scum bag low-ballers are out there, too. I have no respect for the low-ballers that submit ridiculous offers to me.
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I ship stuff all over the US weekly through a corporate account. Also, a snare is heavier than a mid 70s thin ply tom. It is based on dimension and weight - I ran the numbers but I do get substantial discounts. However, lets roll your numbers for conversation sake -$70 is a 26% markup on shipping to your $53. I am not ok with those margins.

Lowball? Same drum is up for sale for $150 from another seller right now. My offer was far from lowball and was a solid fair price offer for a 13" tom from that manufacturer/era. Not that it matters,, but I also did a price history search in eBay prior to making the offer. I bought an 18" floor tom yesterday from the same family for $250 and less than $70 shipping. That $250 was the advertised price. It was fair so I bought it. I can't stand low-ballers so no I am not a lowballer.

Nice try - looks like your just another high priced Reverb guy defending one of your own. :ROFLMAO:

Ok, now that we are done busting each other's balls let me try to save you and your customer's some money. First, I am 100% for the small business owner; my father has been a used merchandise "dealer" for over 60 years and still runs a successful eBay marketplace store in his retirement. If you have large items to send like a multi-boxed drum set, price Greyhound (yes the bus line). They offer substantially cheaper rates since the bellies of those buses remain empty for the most part as they crisscross the US. It does require you and the customer to drop off and pick up at the nearest terminal but the cost savings are often well worth the added time/labor/fuel to do so.

Honestly, I wish you well on your business Vader.
If a 16x16x20 box @ 15lbs or 16x16x16 it's more like $70, dude.

Same drum for sale from another seller - buy it!!! Why gripe here. That IS the market system.

If seller with higher priced drum can't sell it, he'll relist at lower price or just keep his bait in water until someone likes it and pays his higher price. It may sell it may not sell but that's really none of your concern, csnow.

Like Vader said, If you don't like the prices somebody is asking, scroll on by. They're under no obligation to you or anyone else to sell at what you think is fair price. You seem to have a fairly privileged attitude like hey I know it all and I did my research and here is what I'll pay and it's fair and you should accept my offer and if not you're a scum bag.