A few exercises for my shut in lock down drumming brothers and sisters


Senior Administrator
What a weird time we live in. I'm teaching online drum lessons wall to wall at the moment and to make things easier I'm getting my pupils to drill a lot of stuff on the pad. So I have been knocking several worksheets out for them and I thought I would share them with you guys. I teach all abilities so these are in no particular order. Have a go - have fun, keep safe. as I make more of these I'll add them to this thread.

Yes sir. Thanks for putting these out there. It Hertas Everywhere was fun. I used Shirley Murphy and Friends around the kit for 2 bar breaks. I played 2 bars of swing time and then, for example, Line H + Line H left hand lead off. I just repeated Line H and swapped the sticking. It makes for a good warm up and idea builder.

Thanks again for putting these out!
Yes sir. Thanks for putting these out there. It Hertas Everywhere was fun. I used Shirley Murphy and Friends around the kit for 2 bar breaks. I played 2 bars of swing time and then, for example, Line H + Line H left hand lead off. I just repeated Line H and swapped the sticking. It makes for a good warm up and idea builder.

Thanks again for putting these out!

excellent - the swiss cheese paradiddle idea is very popular among my pupils - its good for me too, because every time i teach that lesson we get different results and i get to try them out and strengthen my vocab. i also challenge my top students to swing their creations.
Good idea. I'll give that one a try next. It's nice to have something laid out to work on atm. Thanks again @NUTHA JASON .
Thanks for sharing! Did you make these? If so, may I ask what you use to lay them out like this (notation software?) They look great, clear and well-organized. (Ex-graphic designer here! :))
Thanks for sharing! Did you make these? If so, may I ask what you use to lay them out like this (notation software?) They look great, clear and well-organized. (Ex-graphic designer here! :))
Thank you Zaster. I custom made my own bmp file and compile these on microsoft paint. Here is the file location if you want to use it: http://jasonhorsler.tripod.com/musicwriter.html

I made the whole book this way. it took many hundreds of hours but is totally under my control.
