50 songs in 2 years

Wow. What it must be like inside your head when it comes to music. I'm thinking, "This dude does not think like a 'normal' person!!!!!" And I mean that as a compliment. And, yes, I caught the Zappa connection immediately.

I like Play It, Chester best.

So, when did your momma drop you on your head? ;)

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Wow. What it must be like inside your head when it comes to music. I'm thinking, "This dude does not think like a 'normal' person!!!!!" And I mean that as a compliment. And, yes, I caught the Zappa connection immediately.

I like Play It, Chester best.

So, when did your momma drop you on your head? ;)


Hahaha! You crack me up. And glad you're a fan of Play it, Chester, I like that moment as well :)

Hmmmm come to think of it I did choke on an orange for awhile once as a young child.... ;)

Thanks again!