"20 Modern Snare Drum Solos"


Well-known Member
Hi guys! I just wanted to share with you that I have released my very first drum book. This one is titled "20 Modern Snare Drum Solos" and features 20 pieces that covers various topics including rudiments, polyrhythms, odd times, slow and fast times, single strokes, space between the notes and much more. All the solos have been composed from a drummer's perspective meaning that they can be applied on the set using various routines which is why I added a drumset application section at the end of the book. I shot the very first piece titled "A Walk In The Park" and it includes various rudiments like the 6 and 7 stroke rolls, pataflaflas, flam accents, singles and much more. I hope you'll enjoy!!

To get a copy, you can go here:

as an educator of 5th grade through college age drummers, I will also be checking this out!!!
Very nice! Are there audio tracks included? I’d love to hear some of the drum set interpretations too!
Very nice! Are there audio tracks included? I’d love to hear some of the drum set interpretations too!
Yes, I included 25 tracks of applications on the drumset. I didn't play the whole studies on the set but only short examples of what could be done with the various ideas in the solos. There are 3 topics in the application section:

1- playing the accents on the set
2- adding the feet to the solos
3- making grooves out of some of the bars in the solos
Hi guys!

(no playing here).

Here's a new clip where I talk about my brand new snare drum book. I wanted to tell you about the content and how it is a bit different from other snare drum books you might find on the market:

I hope you'll enjoy.
Hi guys! Here's a clip where I'm playing an excerpt of "Diddle Doggy Bag" at a slower tempo. I wanted people to see that these solos can be played much slower and still sound good and make sense. The written tempo is what I had in mind when composing the solo but it also sounds good at different tempos. In this clip, I'm playing variations of paradiddles and paradiddle-diddles with various accents. I hope you'll enjoy!
