16x15, 14x13??


Senior Member
Ok so i was thinking, not really a fan of box sizes for drums and i know they have 16x14's etc but i was wondering if anyone has tried a floor tom that is like a 16x15 it seems to work for rack toms like 8x7 etc, so anyone used them>?
RMV make floor toms in those sizes , I 've played and they sonud pretty good to my ears , and they don't sound as boxy as my 16X16 ,

check them out in youtube , I think that my next kit is going to be a RMV
With tuning you can make a 16 x 16 sound like a 16 x 15. The 16 is just more common but don't see any problem with a 16 x 15.
i was also wondering what the difference would be? and plus idk why but i don't really like box sizes
Once they are set up I don't think you will notice the one inch. The rack toms sit at an agle and the floor tom is below you. But oh well.
RMV make floor toms in those sizes , I 've played and they sonud pretty good to my ears , and they don't sound as boxy as my 16X16 ,

check them out in youtube , I think that my next kit is going to be a RMV

Too bad they can't get them in the US...

But an inch does make a difference. Slight, but it does. Ask any girl...
Or is this about the drum? Now I'm confused.

But seriously, an inch adds a little sustain (I think that' the name) to the sound. The shallower a drum is, the less sustain the note will naturally have. Obviously, it also affects if they are muffled.
I have a 15x16 floor tom on one of my kits.

It's sound is very close to what it was when it was a 16x16, but it's a little cleaner now on multiple strokes.

A 14x16 is also cleaner/quicker than 16x16, but the sound isn't AS deep--still plenty deep though.
If you like a looser tuning, a shorter ft might be a better choice.

You can also go with double 16's if you like a 2 down set-up but don't always get the space needed for a 16-18 set up, but want a bigger sound than a 14-16 gets.
A 14x16 and a 15 or 16x16 will work great for that.
Nice big sound, but not all the space needed.