
  1. LeeLovesSabian

    Profile Image problem

    I have a picture on my page, of Lars' drum set, and Everytime I log in or post a reply, nothing shows up by my name. What's the problem. Everybody's picture shows up but mine.
  2. LeeLovesSabian

    Pain in my arms

    I have this problem that when I play really fast (ecspecially during snare and tom rolls) my forearms tend to tense up and hurt. Any tips on how to adjust my arm position?
  3. A

    Drummers who play in bedrooms, garages, attics, and small stages!

    Hello all! For my thesis i am designing a new kind of drum kit! Cool right?! I cant tell you too much about it yet except that it is to do with the ammount of space a drum kit takes up. So i need to know your opinions on something to get the ball rolling. Are you confined to a bedroom, garage...
  4. A

    Drummers who play in bedrooms, garages, attics, and small stages!

    Hello all! For my thesis i am designing a new kind of drum kit! Cool right?! I cant tell you too much about it yet except that it is to do with the ammount of space a drum kit takes up. So i need to know your opinions on something to get the ball rolling. Are you confined to a bedroom, garage...
  5. R

    Tama Iron Cobra beater head problem

    Hi evereyone! I recently bought a new Iron Cobra Twin Pedal (hp900PTW). This model has angle adjustable beaters. As soon as I began to play, I noticed a problem with the beater head. I adjusted the beaters to hit the skin in a perfect 90 degree angle and used all my strength to tighten...
  6. jollymosher


  7. O

    Snare Wires

    umm hey guys i have a big problem. I recently got an old snare drum from one of my friends and the bottom head came ripped. Luckily i had another spare snare reso laying around. i took off the snares and replaced the reso, tuned everything up and everything was fine. THEN i went to put the...
  8. F

    Tricep Fatigue

    i know this sounds really strange but when i am playing i get more fatigued in my triceps and upper arm then in my forearms or wrists. it seems mostly to happen when im playin on my hi-hats or anything where i have to hold my arms in the air a little bit for a longer period of time. my hats...