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  1. Wavelength

    Are there literally 50 ways to leave your lover

    Me: I think we need a break. Them: We have a break at home. The break at home:
  2. Wavelength

    What are some good ways you've used Garageband on iphone for practicing drums?

    To expand on Bonnies1s advice, you can set up all kinds of metronome tracks to work on your time and subdivision. Try programming some percussion on 2&4, offbeat 8th notes or offbeat 16th notes, and practice playing constant time against them (without the click on each quarter note). The same...
  3. Wavelength

    How to Check the Accuracy of Timing?

    Bandlab is a free digital audio workstation you could use. Then there’s Garageband for iOS/macOS. I don’t know if there’s something equivalent for Android. Record the drums using a click track and see if they align with the grid. That being said, do use your ears first. You don’t need to be...
  4. Wavelength

    Hearing at gigs

    I’ve played hundreds of gigs with IEMs, and will steer away from wedges if given the choice.
  5. Wavelength

    Beginner Question: Accidental Ghost Notes on Kick Pedal

    This pedal board mimics the swivel mechanics of the Ludwig Speed King pedal which was first introduced in 1937. It was famously used by John Bonham with apparently great success. 😊 The design facilitates heel down playing, but the lack of the heel plate in and of itself doesn’t prevent you from...
  6. Wavelength

    What's your favorite snare drum TODAY?

    Yamaha Anton Fig signature has been my go-to for ten years, and a not insignificant amount of drummer colleagues have tried buying it from me! 😄 I’ve owned six snares and played a bunch more, but now I’m down to just two. One of them is the aforementioned Yammy and another the 14x5.5 Kumu with...
  7. Wavelength

    Please Help A First-Timer with Home Recording

    Bleed into the close mics from other drums is absolutely normal. It can be mitigated to some extent with drum placement, mic selection, mic placement and the way the drummer hits the drums. It's not completely avoidable, and I'd imagine having no bleed whatsoever would make fairly unnatural...
  8. Wavelength

    What's your latest purchase?

    I hadn't bought anything drum-related for many years, but a couple of weeks ago I went and bought a set of felt/cotton muffling rings for experimenting with those super-dead 70s sounds. They sound a bit silly compared to the open tunings I usually go for, but I love 'em nevertheless! Popping...
  9. Wavelength

    Lug splay video

    All of my drums seem to have straight lugs, and I haven't had tuning issues with them. I'm going on a bit of a tanget here, but I've never really thought about lug splay until looking into comparisons between Supraphonics from various eras. The early ones had larger shells which allowed the...
  10. Wavelength

    Home recording?

    Good advice so far! I’d like to add something not related to recording gear. You mentioned that you could not hear the kick and the cymbals were overbearing when recording with the iPhone. This might imply that you could improve the tuning of the kit as well as your playing balance. Phone mics...
  11. Wavelength

    A family member wants to learn jazz. Recommendations?

    How about starting out with the all time best selling jazz record, Kind of Blue by Miles Davis. The tunes are highly approachable for a jazz initiate, and the personnel on that record are jazz giants in their own right: "Cannonball" Adderley, Paul Chambers, Jimmy Cobb, John Coltrane, Bill Evans...
  12. Wavelength

    Sound Check: 22" Zildjian K Constantinople Hi Bell Thin Low ride

    Here's my latest pie, the now discontinued HBTL ride (gotta love Zildjian's cymbal naming...)
  13. Wavelength

    Snare tuning for miced gigs

    Try tuning the reso head a perfect fourth higher than the batter and add some moon gel.
  14. Wavelength

    Sound check: 22" Zildjian K Custom Dry Light Ride

    I thought I'd record short samples of all of my rides. I'll start the project with my lovely DLR...
  15. Wavelength

    Exercise: Rhythmic displacement in jazz

    Here's an exercise which was inspired by both John Riley's and Andrew Hare's works. It lends itself nicely to really mastering longer rhythms, drawing more ideas from your rhythmic vocabulary and getting familiar with phrases that flow over the barlines.
  16. Wavelength

    Wilcoxon 150: phrasing drags

    Here's one for rudimental scholars. The Solo No. 42 introduces inverted drag taps as dotted sixteenths and 32nd notes at bar 8. I was wondering what is the proper (traditional) way of phrasing them. So far I've ended up with two possibilities: either play them tight or loose (well duh!). It...
  17. Wavelength

    Port on batter side kick head?

    Kumu Drums come out of the box with that sort of bass drum resonant heads. The sound is supposedly the same as with an intact head, but the playing feel is closer to a head with a mic hole. Check it out!
  18. Wavelength

    Some alternative rock tunes featuring my Kumu kit

    Our band, Seed Husk, recorded seven original tunes a while back. I did my parts in a bit of a haste, but overall it sounds pretty good. Take a listen and tell me what you think! I used a Kumu four piece (14"x5,5", 12"x9", 14"x12", 20"x17")...
  19. Wavelength

    It's not about the drums...'s about the drummer. Benny Greb shows how it's done:
  20. Wavelength

    Finally some more steamy Kumu action

    As the title titillatingly insinuates, here's a recent clip from the basement... Aydee, I played that bass drum triple stroke just for you!