Your "Ultimate" 13/16/22 Kit

60s/70s Slingerland in WMP
Stone Custom (If I lived in USA)
Yamaha 8000 (80s Tour Custom - I do have a 12x10,16x16,22x16 reworked by Gary, that is near enough in sound for me)

New - As I live in Ireland it would have to be Gary Noonan, making a 13/16/22 version of this
Mahogany/Poplar Keller Shells (No Re-rings)
1.6mm hoops
Small Beavertail Lugs



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Man, tons of Classic Maple cats in here. What made you decide that over the Legacy Maples?
I didn't want to pay more to get a narrower tuning range, even if they nail the classic 3-ply tone. Since they're still relatively easy to find, I would rather go ahead and find actual vintage drums to capture that sound. I got the more modern CMs to cover more bases.
If the parameters are strictly for a 22-inch bass drum I would go with a Noble & Cooley Union Series kit in Honey Maple Black Burst Gloss with chrome hardware. Close second would be a Noble & Cooley Walnut Series in Translucent Red Gloss with chrome hardware.
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Ludwig Classic Maple.

Best-sounding modern-made drums out there. The 7-ply shells have something special that I've not heard anywhere else.

Gretsch USA is a close second.

When it comes to modern-made drums, there's Ludwig, there's Gretsch, then there's everyone else. YMMV.
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Best sounding is subjective of course. Most modern drums are excellent sounding - and the differences come with hardware choices, paint finishes, and the company philosophy/history that you like and want to support.
not in my neck of the woods (Canada). But I've never owned a new kit before and after almost 30 years of playing, I think it's time to treat myself. :)

Oh, there's DEFINITELY nothing like this for sale around here. I was thinking Reverb, Ebay, GC Used, etc.

I've been playing for a long time, and I've only bought a couple of new kits, but they were all lowest-line stuff. Let us know what you go with!
It's interesting to me that I think there is only one early mention of Pearl in this thread. Not a huge Pearl guy (although they make some awesome drums) but over the past few years I have noticed the forum being much more Ludwig, Gretsch, Tama and Yamaha focused with a fair smattering of DW, Mapex etc. but Pearl is making some really decent kits and maybe their relaunch and updated mid to high end kits might start to put them back on people's radar......

Just an observation.
It's interesting to me that I think there is only one early mention of Pearl in this thread. Not a huge Pearl guy (although they make some awesome drums) but over the past few years I have noticed the forum being much more Ludwig, Gretsch, Tama and Yamaha focused with a fair smattering of DW, Mapex etc. but Pearl is making some really decent kits and maybe their relaunch and updated mid to high end kits might start to put them back on people's radar......

Just an observation.

I'm a Ludwig fanboy, but Pearl makes some fantastic snare drums. I used to have a run-of-the-mill Masters Maple made in Taiwan, and it was flawless. I also used to own a Pearl Vision kit that was great as well.