"CENTENT" Chinese cymbals

Just my two cents, but I thought one of the rides wasn't bad. I liked the bell on it, but the crashes were uniformly brash and unpleasant sounding. I also didn't like what I heard from the guy demonstrating them. I'm not into extreme metal blast beats. He has chops, but what he did was excruciating to listen to.
There were a couple sets on their website demos I liked, but none made me want to buy them.
If I'm not mistaken, if you look up Dave Abbruzzese on YouTube (FreeAssRecords) he has incorporated Centent cymbals in his setup on some songs. I know he has been (still is?) with SABIAN since the '90s.
If I'm not mistaken, if you look up Dave Abbruzzese on YouTube (FreeAssRecords) he has incorporated Centent cymbals in his setup on some songs. I know he has been (still is?) with SABIAN since the '90s.
I noticed that as well... and to be honest, I wince at the sound the Centents make when he hits them. Something about them seem overly brash in the mix.
I've been playing Centent for a few years now. They work great for me. I'm using the Emperor and Ardor lines.

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