Music Will Save the World


Senior Member
Hi all, I'd like to re-enter the Earth's most pristine atmosphere of Drummerworld forum, and what better way than to speak about one of the most amazing concerts in terms of pure enjoyment that I have ever been to: just left Fenway Park in Boston after watching Bonnie Raitt and James Taylor.

Now I always loved Bonnie Raitt and her band, and they were absolutely beautiful and truly elegant, magnificent, particularly Bonnie, who is just as strong as ever! And of course I love James Taylor, because these guys honestly wrote the soundtrack of our lives in many ways. But I actually thought James Taylor was going to be like You've Got a Friend and Kumbaya most of the night, because sadly I've never seen him before live.

God please forgive me for that haha. Because with each song, my admiration and just honor...and I might as well say - love - for Taylor increased until at the end of it all I was just pretty much blown apart. He is a huge soul, and SO freaking human: funny, genuine, grateful, spiritual, and just add a whole bunch more of your very best adjectives - cuz he's all that☆♡☆♡☆

I'm not going to review his band. They are the best of the best. They are just channeling music. Channeling purity with no interference whatsoever. So tho you can't single out any one of them, I got to say in Steamroller Blues, there were gyroscopes going around in the keyboard player's head during his Hammond solo. Oh my God. But everyone was at that level.

Oh yeah and if you don't know, you're going to love this. The first song, then the second, and then going into the third, I was like, "that drummer has got some serious Gadd going on man".... And then the camera hit him and I pretty much spontaneously combusted on the spot. The master was in the house☆☆☆ and to listen to him play that kind of music was just so transforming. It was perfection. Think about Steve playing Steamroller Blues for instance. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I got schooled big time. Think about this: he's 70 years old. Taylor is 67.

Don't even ask about his new song, "Angels of Fenway", about the curse of the Bambino - played for the first time at Fenway Park. This song was beyond brilliant: it was effing Cosmic History. You gotta read some actual reviews.

Anyway what made it extra special for me especially, is tomorrow I go down to the Hudson River to audition for a real band. I recorded some drums over one of their songs and sent a couple other things to them and evidently they like it.

So if anybody's talking to their angels tonight, please put in a word. I was really totally blessed having this experience tonight, especially right before tomorrow. I shall try to do some drummers proud and will keep you posted.
That's a great story. So glad you posted it. I've never been a huge fan of James Taylor, but when I see him and the band on TV I cannot stop watching. The whole band simply defines what it means to be talented and seasoned. They've had many years to throw out all the stuff that doesn't work, and keep everything that does. Couple that with a continuing passion for music and you've got...well...James Taylor and band.

Is that why i couldn't find any parking in Copley last night?! :)

I've seen him a few times out at Tanglewood, and although he's not really my cup of tea, I've always been impressed by the professionalism and musicianship.
Thank you for the nice reply GDM. I think my writing style is a little crusty especially just popping on the forum out of nowhere. And yes if you think about it there were at least 10,000 more people in Fenway last night then at a regular ball game because the floor was packed. Needless to say I took the T haha.

But guess what?! I'm just leaving town, and here drives a cab up Beacon Hill - who's in the back seat right across from me but GADD. I shouted at him I don't even know what I said but it was like we love you I love you you were awesome last night or something like that hahaha. I don't think that was a coincidence man! He has always been number one to me. I don't mean there aren't other number ones but he is really the man. I think the universe is really trying to throw me a doggy bone. Thanks for reading****
That was such a passionate OP, it really made my day. I love it when people are so moved by something that they gush about it. That was friggin awesome what you wrote man. I felt like I got just a taste of how great it was from your description, so thanks for that.
That was such a passionate OP, it really made my day. I love it when people are so moved by something that they gush about it. That was friggin awesome what you wrote man. I felt like I got just a taste of how great it was from your description, so thanks for that.

Ace, actually you made my day. And it's not the first time either. When you unload a compliment, man you leave no stone unturned...and you're always objective, or definitely you always get there, tho I haven't been keeping up lately...but I'm sure many besides myself have been helped by your extremely generous and inspiring cheerleading. I've enjoyed your drumming tips and your drumming, even unboxing new drums, just as much. I really hope to meet you someday.