INTRODUCTIONS: Please Use This Thread To Introduce Yourself!

Hello DrummerWorld! I previously had an account here, but decided to make a new one and start over. I didn't have very many posts so I thought, why not? :)

My name is Joseph "Stix" Davis. I'm 21. I live in the U.S. I've been playing for over 11 years.

My username is my real name plus my nickname/DJ name.

I currently play a Pearl Vision 7 piece. I use a 5 piece configuration for gigs. I use Zildjian A Custom cymbals, with a Wuhan china and a Sabian AA ride.

I am in a band. We are called Split Velvet. We're going for the classic 80's rock feel, with a bit of 90's grunge and modern rock sound. We practice in my home studio.

I play covers and originals, about half and half. I enjoy covering metal, punk, and hard rock songs. Originals are a mix of classic rock, grunge and modern rock.

I love pizza. No questions there.

I'm happy to be back and active on the forums! :)
Real name? Timo
Age? 27
How long have you been playing? About 10 years
Origin of user name? Nothing special, just Timo with an added Z, works on most sites.
Your top 5 drummers? Tough question.. there are many, but like to mention Gavin Harrison, Martin Lopez, Jeff Porcaro, Benny Greb and Stef Broks.
Make of drumkit? Yamaha, acoustic and electric
Make of cymbal? Meinl and UFIP
Where do you practice? Home
Are you in a band? Yes, 2
Do you play covers or originals? Both
What style of music? Mainly alternative/progressive/indie rock, pop, some metal, funk, jazz, drum ‘n bass
Favourite take out food? Mexican & Chinese
What country do you live in? the Netherlands
One really odd fact about yourself? Obviously it seems to be odd that I really don’t care about the o so popular smartphones. Guess I’m a bit old fashioned?! 
How did you start drumming? Met some guys in high school and became friends. We made plans to form a rock/metal band without any serious musical background. At that time non of us played drums and I liked the idea of an own band so much that I just grabbed all my money, bought myself a drumkit and started to play & learn.
Hello drummerwold.
My name is Ted
I am 16 years old
I have been drumming for about 5 years now
I play both drum set and and marching band in a drumline
I play a PDP m5 kit
I use a mix of meinl sabian and ziljian well as a wuhan china
i play evans heads
use vic firth and pro mark sticks
i started drumming in 6th grade in concert ban and started working on becoming a solo percussionist and moved on to drumset and rudimental drumming
Hi all!

Im Valentino Uberti from Milano, Italy
Im 34 and i started drum at 14
i love to play almost all style but for me the best style is latin/jazz :)

I've ultimated my video lessons website, if you want click here :
and tell me what you think!
Name: Joe at AmpliSonic
Years playing: About 10 years
Kit: 5 piece Beirch Tama Silverstar
Snare: Mapex- 13" x 6.5" Maple. Die cast brass hoops
Cymbals Meinl and sabian
Heads: Evans
Sticks: Pro Mark

Hey all, new to DmWd thought i'd pop my name in here. I play R&B , Hip Hop, ska, reggae, punk, rock, metal, grindcore, bossa nova, jazz.
Hi! My name is Simen Strand. I'm 16 years old. I'm from a town called Gjøvik in Norway.
I've been playing drums since I was 3 years old. I got my first little drum kit when I was 6 years old. I play mostly jazz/funk/fusion music, but I try to be as versatile as I can.
I play Yamaha Recording Custom drums, Zildjian Cymbals, Vic Firth sticks and Remo heads.
Real name? Ryan
Age? 23
How long have you been playing? Roughly 5 years
Origin of user name? My first name and the VT stands for Virginia Tech. Go Hokies!
Your top 5 drummers? Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, Keith Moon, Carter Beauford, Neil Peart, Alex Shellnut.
Make of drumkit? ddrum
Make of cymbal? Sabian
Where do you practice? Several places: my basement, our bands practice building, to name a few.
Are you in a band? Yes, 2.
Do you play covers or originals? Both
What style of music? One is "Post-Hardcore", the other is "Shock Rock".
What country do you live in? Richlands, Virginia
One really odd fact about yourself? I have a deep, deep love of England and British accents. I can talk to someone from London for hours on end.
How did you start drumming? Gonna sound odd, but the video-game Rockband. I learned the basics of how to break my hands and feet apart to move independently, then I just took that over to my friends kit and the rest is history. :D
Real name? - I'm a ninja, if I told you my name I'd have to kill you afterwards.
Age? - 17
How long have you been playing? - About six years; I stopped for a while and now I want to get back to it.
Origin of user name? - It's the name of a classical music composer from the 19th century. I love his music.
Your top 5 drummers? - Hard to say. My favorite of all time is Keith Moon, then people like Mitch Mitchell and John Bonham. I'm really a 60s/70s rock kind of drummer.
Where do you practice? - Nowhere for the moment.
Are you in a band? - I have been in a few bands, but I'm not anymore.
Favourite take out food? - Definitely burgers.
What country do you live in? - France
One really odd fact about yourself? See the previous answer.
How did you start drumming? My parents wanted me to pick an instrument to play, and my brother - who played the guitar at the time - told me to choose drums so we could play together. It turns out we never did.
Real name? Jon
Age? 30
How long have you been playing? Off and on 15 years
Origin of user name? I only play DW
Make of drumkit? Pearl kit/Spaun snare - Alesis ekit
Make of cymbal? Zildjian, Sabian
Where do you practice? everywhere
Are you in a band? it's kind of a big deal
What style of music? rock, post-hardcore
What country do you live in? USA
How did you start drumming? In high school I played guitar in a band that ended up needing a drummer, so I switched. But since then I've exclusively played guitar in bands, and drumming only on my ekit or in random jam sessions. In the past month I started playing drums in a band again.
Greetings from Leeds, UK. It's a pleasure to join this forum.

Real name? Jack.
Age? 23.
How long have you been playing? About 10 years.
Origin of user name? A line from a Radiohead song ("Morning Bell").
Your top 5 drummers? My 2 current favourites are Brian Chippendale and Zach Hill.
Make of drumkit? I play a customised Peavey kit.
Make of cymbal? I currently play Zildjians.
Where do you practice? In my basement.
Are you in a band? I play solo drums with a prerecorded backing track.
Do you play covers or originals? Never played a cover in my life.
What style of music? Noise rock, post rock, math rock, post punk, jazz, experimental.
Favourite take out food? Parmo (a local delicacy in Teesside, UK)
What country do you live in? UK
One really odd fact about yourself? I only have eight and a half toenails.
How did you start drumming? I started taking lessons in school when I was 11 years old.
Real name? -
Age? - 16
How long have you been playing? - 7 mounts
Origin of user name? - nicname by father
Your top 5 drummers? - Pat Torpey . Steve West . Steven Sweet . Michael Foster . Rikki Rockett
Where do you practice? - in garage
Are you in a band? - no.but got friend whose playing guitar
Favourite take out food? - burgers.
What country do you live in? - Serbia
One really odd fact about yourself? i like to wear different all star sneakers like Jon Bon Jovi in video "In And Out Of love"
How did you start drumming? My friend ask me what i wanna play i said drums because drummers are craziest
Hello everyone! :)

Real name? Mateusz

Age? 22

How long have you been playing? about 10 years now

Origin of user name? It's an acronym, but I can't remember for what - I've used this username in video games when I was younger :)

Your top 5 drummers? Cezary Konrad, Vinnie Colaiuta, Jojo Mayer, Philly Joe Jones, Chris Dave

Make of drumkit? Gretsch New Classic

Make of cymbal? Mostly Istanbul Agop, but also some Paiste and Sabian cymbals

Where do you practice? I rent a practice room where I put my drums. Also I have an electronic kit that I practice on at home.

Are you in a band? Yes, I've been making a living out of music for about two years now and I currently play in 3 bands as a full member and I sometimes take session work with other bands and musicians as a sideman.

Do you play covers or originals? Covers and originals :)

What style of music? My favorite styles are jazz, fusion and electronic music, but I am also into hip hop, funk, reggae, blues, pop, rock and metal. Also a bit of classical. I let all good music inspire me :)

Favourite take out food? Pizza :)

What country do you live in? Poland

One really odd fact about yourself? I hold a degree in computer engineering and I'm interested in artificial intelligence in computer games, but I'm not working a lot on it because I want to focus on music even more.

How did you start drumming? It was a random decision, to be honest. Kinda "hey, this looks like fun!" thing. My dad wanted me to learn the piano but I thought it would be boring - now I regret that decision and I want to take piano lessons in the near future, when I have more free time.

Real name?: Frederick.
Age?: 43
How long have you been playing?: +/- 25 years. I started on drums in 6th grade, but I didn't get a kit until I was 18. In retrospect, I feel that the first half of that time was spent developing really bad technique, and the other half has been spent undoing the damage, so to speak.
Origin of user name?: First name, middle initial...simple as that.
Your top 5 drummers?: Steve Gadd, Bernard Purdie, Al Jackson Jr., John Bonham, Steve Ferrone
Make of drumkit?: Ellis
Make of cymbal?: Zildjian
Where do you practice?: Most of my serious practice time is spent on the pads at home.
Are you in a band?: An R&B cover band called "No Limits"
Favourite take out food?: Vietnamese
What country do you live in?: United States
How did you start drumming?: I started in music as a cello player in 5th grade, but was terrible at it. Since I found tapping out rhythms on the back of the cello to be more satisfying that bowing or plucking the strings, the transition to drums seemed natural.
Ayup from North East England!

Real name? Owen

Age? 26

How long have you been playing? For about a year when I was 15, and now for about 3 weeks.

Origin of user name? My real name. heh. :p

Make of drumkit? Tama Starclassic (snare, kick, two toms, two floor-toms).

Make of cymbal? Zildjian (hit-hat, 16'' & 18'' crash, 20'' ride).

Where do you practice? At home in my spare room ... located nearest to the driveway. ;)

Are you in a band? No, but I would love to eventually.

Do you play covers or originals? I'm still practising, so I guess it's a mixture of both.

What style of music? Rock & Metal especially... but open to try out most genres, though I'm not keen on jazz that much.

Favourite take out food? Parmo ;)

What country do you live in? England

One really odd fact about yourself? I'm a respected "chip" musician in the C64 demoscene (known as "Conrad")... I'm taking a break from it at the time being.

How did you start drumming? I had a school mate who was into serious drumming, and I sometimes had a play with them after he had finished. This was when I was about 12 years old. I also used to go to a Christian centre (my dad told me to. ;)) where there was a Christian Rock band. After the service, I played around with the drum-kit and I also remember another older kid showing me some tricks on those drums.
When I was 14/15, my mother got me a starter drum kit for me to practise on. This was the point where I got into it a lot more and I grew to enjoy it. But, unfortunately, I started to focus more at school and higher education... so I ended up selling the drumkit. (which I regret to be frank).
Now, 11 years later, I had the tremendous itch to get back into drumming for real. So, for months, I saved up lots of money (thanks to my full-time job and being single ;)) and I have just bought myself a brand new drum kit from a respected music store in Stockton-on-Tees, England (Bandland). I've been practicing ever since and am remembering the skills I knew from being a teenager.

That's my story. :) Hello to everyone on here!! :D
Hello All!
Real name is Tracey, 45 year old dude. I'm from Denver, Colorado and play in a band called Breaking Silence ( ).
I've been playing for a little over 30 years, with some breaks in various places.
Favorite drummers include Neal Peart, Gavin Harrison, Mike Portnoy.
I play Rock/Progressive in the band, but have played several different genres of music.
I'm really blessed to have a HUGE jam room (1000 sq foot) classified as a detached garage out in my back yard. There's some pics on the facebook and youtube channel.
I play a nice PDP X7 kit and Sabian cymbals. It's a decent mid-range kit, but I'm not made of money:)
My user name is my first initial and middle name.
Hello everyone!

Real name? Lauri
Age? 35
How long have you been playing? 3 years.
Origin of user name? My nickname is Late, and I'm a late starter, hence Latebeat
Your top 5 drummers? Questlove, Tony Allen, Steve Jordan, Stanton Moore, Billy Cobham
Make of drumkit? Yamaha
Make of cymbal? Zildjians & Sabians.
Where do you practice? In a studio
Are you in a band? In a band called Kanjoni (canyon in finnish)
Do you play covers or originals? Originals.
What style of music? Garage-afrobeat
Favourite take out food? Pasta
What country do you live in? Finland
One really odd fact about yourself? I have a really hairy chest.
How did you start drumming? Got bored with playing the guitar!
Hi everyone

Real name? Reinder
Age? 41
How long have you been playing? 2 years on edrums, a few weeks on a real kit
Origin of user name? It's our local goat cheese :)
Your top 5 drummers? Chad Smith, Stewart Copeland, Neil Peart, Manu Katché, the 5th one is a different one every day :)
Make of drumkit? Yamaha Stage Custom 10/12/16/22 (ekit is a Roland TD4KX)
Make of cymbal? Stagg DH 14" HH, SH 20" medium ride, 17" rock crash, 15" thin crash
Where do you practice? in the basement
Are you in a band? not in a rockband (yet) but I play in a batucada group
Do you play covers or originals? covers
What style of music? funk, rock, many things
Favourite take out food? I much prefer to make my own pizzas
What country do you live in? France
One really odd fact about yourself? I've wanted to become a drummer since I was about 10 years old and it took me 30 years to get started :eek:S
How did you start drumming? just bought a kit and continued what I had been doing in the air :)
Real name? Ted
Age? 46
How long have you been playing? 38 years.
Origin of user name? Ride a sportbike (apparel mfr name)
Your top 5 drummers? Chad Szeliga, Neil Peart, Billy Cobham, Thomas Lang
Make of drumkit? Sonor
Make of cymbal? Zildjian
Where do you practice? Studio
Are you in a band? Yes, Driving Reign
Do you play covers or originals? Covers
What style of music? Hard Rock
Favourite take out food? Olive Garden
What country do you live in? United States
One really odd fact about yourself? ummmmm, too many to list
How did you start drumming?
Real name? Sean
Age? 42
How long have you been playing? 30 years
Origin of user name? Drink Sugarfree Red Bull during shows
Your top 5 drummers? Neil Peart, Ben Seazer, everything 80's
Make of drumkit? Ddrum
Make of cymbal? Zildjian
Where do you practice? Studio
Are you in a band? Yes, 80 Proof ( )
Do you play covers or originals? Covers
What style of music? Everything 80's but mostly hair metal
Favourite take out food? La Tortuga Mexican
What country do you live in? United States
One really odd fact about yourself? I am 4 with a 9 month old!!
How did you start drumming? started in jr high band
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hi all, been visiting from time to time, decided to join, thnx for the add.

Real name? Conrad
Age? 41
How long have you been playing? 25 yrs off and on
Origin of user name? luv to shoot stuff... with my camera :)
Your top 5 drummers? jeff porcaro, chad smith, dave grohl
Make of drumkit? gretsch renown maple
Make of cymbal? zildjian and sabian
Where do you practice? home
Are you in a band? not at this time
Do you play covers or originals? covers
What style of music? mix
Favourite take out food? chipotle
What country do you live in? usa
One really odd fact about yourself? i get ocd at times
How did you start drumming? just formed a band with my high school friends, not a pro, just a hobby..

heres my kit:
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