I built a snare from 168 broken drumsticks

That's insane! The drum is absolutely gorgeous and sounds phenomenal. This deserves nothing but respect.

Do you mind if I ask what it cost you in materials, not including the sticks themselves?

This just goes to show with some ingenuity and hard work you can produce a one-off snare drum.

Very nice workmanship.

That's a keeper!
Over the top insanity. Righteous!

Supremely nice work, Gould. Stellar choice in hardware. A dream to listen to.
Excellent! What a great use of old sticks, and a beautiful result!

Now I know what a hickory/oak snare sounds like :)

Bravo gould810, nice job!
Fantastic work - always thought there must be a better end for broken/worn out sticks and now I know......Send them to you!!
I just cut down a dozen sticks yesterday on my band saw just to use for dowels for projects. Your project is wonderful. Saved a bunch of money on a drum shell and the variation in color is really cool. Great job.
Very very cool - I would never have thought to do that, but you did a great job on it. Definitely a keeper.
You need to name this bad boy! Here's my submission:

GOULD ProRegalFirth2B5AComboSD4Jazz707MetalMS4Extreme-Rock3A8DAJ6747

Nickname: "Sticky"
I honestly didn't know how you would achieve any sort of result, much less did I expect the result you did achieve. Great work, sounds wicked, certainly one of a kind.
And to think I just keep the old sticks and use them for firewood in my outside fire pit!!! You are a genius. Wish you'd make and market them. I'd buy one.