Good Hi-Hat Combo?

Hey guys, so I have the opportunity to get two separate hi hats. They are a zildjian k mastersound (bottom) 13" and a zildjian k zildjian k custom hybrid (top) 13.25"

I want something a little less heavy than my current hats (old 14" z customs) but have no experience with what those two would sound like together never having played either.
I'd be extremely leery of playing a hi hat that had a top cymbal 1/4" bigger than the bottom, especially if the bottom has a wavy edge.

I'm a fan of mixing and matching tops and bottoms, but that pairing seems like a a problem waiting to happen.

I think pretty much anything is going to be lighter than a Z Custom hi hat, so at least you have plenty of options.
I'd be extremely leery of playing a hi hat that had a top cymbal 1/4" bigger than the bottom, especially if the bottom has a wavy edge.

I'm a fan of mixing and matching tops and bottoms, but that pairing seems like a a problem waiting to happen.

I think pretty much anything is going to be lighter than a Z Custom hi hat, so at least you have plenty of options.
Fair enough, thanks for the advice, I might see what other hihat tops I can find.
Fwiw some famous drummers have used hats with mismatched sizes, so it can be done. Whether it’s a “good idea”, I don’t know.
the bottom one being larger would be ok to fair; the top being larger has chance of edge weakness bend-cracking from stick hitting
I've seen (and done) bottom cymbal bigger, but pretty much only in a jazz context where it's 95% just 2 and 4 with the foot, otherwise it's a stick eater.

But I've also dented a top cymbal when pairing a thin-ish top with a Mastersound bottom because the whole edge of the top isn't fully supported. I can only imagine it would significantly worse if the top was also bigger/
I want something a little less heavy than my current hats (old 14" z customs)
weigh your Top cymbal convert to grams.
Seek one single used A top lighter than your top and re use your bottom; that's cheapest quickest way out
something like a 900 or less gram old A 14" top
would be nice match with still the familiar bite of your Z Custom bottom
or even the Top Z Custom as a bottom, with one used Lighter A 14"
or even another A old bottom could mellow those out
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I also would be skeptical of having a larger cymbal on top unless you never play the edge of it. If You play with the tip on top of the hat all of the time, that would be OK.