Charlie Watts sound


New Member
I have a 3 piece Neusonic, 22,13,16. What are the best heads, batter and resonance, for the tom’s to get a Charlie Watt type sound?
Charlie had black dots on his toms, top and bottom. Don't know about the rest of the set. Most likely a coated Ambassador on the snare batter,
Forget the simple and quiet. Swing a not play the hi-hat at the same time you hit the snare. Very few fills. If you can aquire a "Keith Richards" may be getting closer.

Think he played mature with a deep respect and admiration for the old cats that came before him
the Otis Spann's and Fred Below's

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Watts didn't begin the HH lift on 2 & 4 until sometime in the early to mid 70s. You can clearly hear the hats on the backbeats in "Get Off My Cloud" and numerous others from the era.

I think I recall reading that the reason he started it was to keep the hats from bleeding into the snare mic or vice versa on the backbeats, and/or he just came to not like the sound of both at once, preferring to hear the snare alone.
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IMO he had more of a signature way of playing than a signature sound.
This is true. You immediately know it's Charlie when you hear him.

I'd advise you to develop your own feel, time and fills based on what Charlie did than to try and get his sound.
Watts didn't begin the HH lift on 2 & 4 until sometime in the early to mid 70s. You can clearly hear the hats on the backbeats in "Get Off My Cloud" and numerous others from the era.

I'm not certain he did it until after Some Girls. Maybe it was during? I know Charlie a bit, but I'm no expert, can someone enlighten me?

I was in a Stones tribute for four years. My setup was Gretsch, SS badge, 22/12/16, Supra snare. Black Dots top/bottom of toms. UFIP Tiger Series China on my left. I can't recommend the Natural Series that CW used, a friend bought one and while it sounded good, it was way underpowered.

When you sit down to play, pretend like you play in a really famous rock band but you'd rather be playing jazz.
Best. Answer. Ever.

Charlie had that ability to put a swing feel into rock songs. Like how Mitch Mitchell did with Jimi. It's a skill I'd kill to be able to duplicate, but my linear-playing ass just can't get on board with how he did it.

I feel the jazz element is the key, so I need to get with the jazz scene more than I did before.

He was truly like no one else.