7/8 Piece Kit Recommendations?

To everyone saying that I don't NEED a 7 or 8 piece kit, did you ever consider that maybe I posted here for advice about a 7/8 piece kit because I actually want to purchase a 7/8 piece kit? Please stop trying to sway me, because I'm not changing my mind about that. Call me closed minded, but if you have suggestions about a 7/8 piece kit, please share. If you're just going to laugh at/insult me for bad choices on too many drums, cymbals, etc., then please keep it to yourself.

Nobody is laughing at you/insulting you. I just really don't even see the point in you posting a thread (in the wrong forum) asking us for advice because you clearly already know what you want. Why should we spend our time reccomending a decent kit that will last you a long time (which you supposedly want) if you're just gonna throw it back in our faces and get the biggest shiniest kit that you can find with about 10 cymbals that you don't need and you won't even use? So i reckon you should just stop asking for advice and get your silly kit but don't say i didn't warn you because in a year from now you're gonna be sick of the thing and all your shiny bronze will be cracked and sound terrible.
Nobody is laughing at you/insulting you. I just really don't even see the point in you posting a thread (in the wrong forum) asking us for advice because you clearly already know what you want. Why should we spend our time reccomending a decent kit that will last you a long time (which you supposedly want) if you're just gonna throw it back in our faces and get the biggest shiniest kit that you can find with about 10 cymbals that you don't need and you won't even use? So i reckon you should just stop asking for advice and get your silly kit but don't say i didn't warn you because in a year from now you're gonna be sick of the thing and all your shiny bronze will be cracked and sound terrible.

Ok, here's the truth. I'm not a pro. I'm nowhere NEAR being a pro. I don't WANT a fantastic set of drums that will last a lifetime right now, because I'll buy that later when I have a well-paying job. So forget about this thread if you don't want to help.

What I do want is a drum kit that will match the style of playing that a metal drummer uses/has. One of my drumming idols is Joey Jordison, and he uses 6 toms. God knows how many cymbals he has, but I bet he uses them all. So if I'm aspiring to be like him skill-wise, could you please at least show a little support for that?

I don't even need A Customs, Trick pedals, or Pearl ICON racks, I'd be fine with Sabian B8s, PDP 402s, and no rack at all.

Now, that's not what I had in mind, what I'm probably going to end up purchasing in terms of gear other than the drums themselves is:

Paiste Black Alpha:

14" Hi Hats
17" Crash
18" Crash
19" Crash
20" Ride
18" China
10" Splash


Iron Cobra Flexi-Glide Single (2)
Pearl DR-80 rack

Judging from what I've seen, I'm pretty sure a bunch of you will immediately be looking down at me, thinking "psshh, that'll last him a few months, tops". As I said, I am not a pro, I do not have a well-paying job, and because of that I do not have very much money at my disposal. I'd rather get an intermediate kit now and be happy with that until I can afford a great one than save up for a great kit all through high school and miss out on drumming on a real kit (I have a Yamaha DTXTreme IIs).
If your serious about playing metal, save your money for good pedals like Axis longboards/pearl demon drive/trick dominator, etc. They will last forever and its well worth the cost. I have no idea how long you've been playing or what your goals are other than Joey Jordison worship. Nothing wrong with that. Same goes for saving money and buying a good rack like the ICON, its a life time investment. The old school racks probably would too but they aren't as flexible/user friendly i think. Who cares if you buy the cheapest kit when you have badass pedals and hardware that will last until you get your dream kit? You could always just trigger your drums if you really hate the sound, but hold off on that for awhile until your certain that's what you want to do.

If you go with two bass drums, its going to be harder to adapt to playing a double pedal if you want or have to. The slave pedal deal takes some getting used to, ive only ever played 2 kicks and I can't play a double pedal nearly as good as 2 singles. You kinda have to choose one and stay with it. I tried scaling down to a double pedal last year with disappointing results.

Be really sure you want those black cymbals, That finish is sketchy. Look into Meinl MB8s or MB10s, those are really good quality for beginner/intermediate cymbals. Just a suggestion.

Also be prepared to lug all of your gear around with you, Ive got used to moving a 7 piece after gigging monthly for the past 2 1/2 years...everything I use (ICON rack, 2 bass drums, 2 big floor toms, 2 rack toms, pedal case, 2 snare drums, road case full of cymbal arms, two cymbal bags) completely fills my 94 explorer up to the passenger seat. Just know what your getting yourself into...your back is going to hate you, and you won't be able to interact with people as much at shows because you'll be spending 30-45 or more mins before and after your set dealing with your kit. I'm not trying to turn you away from the big kit thing, its completely worthwhile but not without its challenges and limitations.
Crazy+Hands, that's the best reply I've gotten so far :)

Lol you pretty much told me everything I needed to know, I especially like your 2 bass drum/double pedal point. Right now, I'm playing on a double pedal on my DTXTreme IIs, so if I alternate between the two, do you think it would be a good compromise?

Oh yeah, I've been playing for around 6 1/2 years, mostly rock/jazz/metal, but now metal dominates what I play, and I've gotten better at blast beats, double bass, etc.

Those are also good points about the ICON rack, and Axis, Trick, and Demon Drive pedals, that's actually a really good idea, because those brands are pretty much the only ones that make longboards, and I always play with heel-toe, which can get pretty tricky on shortboard pedals.

I'll also reconsider the black cymbals, they sort of look to me as if the coating will chip away pretty fast, especially when being hit hard and fast by metal drumming...

Thanks so much, though, your answer helped a LOT :)
Yes it would be helpful to alternate between double and single pedals, but I'm a firm believer that your technique (aside from full leg motion, that's pretty universal) adapts to the pedal and their setting, not vice versa. A lot of drummers say if you can tap it out on the floor then you can play on anything, but this is really a gross oversight from what I can based on my nearly 10 years experience.
I still have so much to learn...

You would benefit from choosing one or the other and staying with it for the long haul i think. They are considerably different situations, both in sound and in technique to a degree...pretty much double bass drums slay all double pedals in most respects, but its more difficult for soundguys to get them eq'd right. However, most extreme metal sound engineers acutally prefer 2 kicks because they can EQ each drum individually...its also much more reliable to trigger two kicks instead of one, just think about the physics of that...however, axis ekits pretty much solve that issue altogether. If you plan on triggering your kick drums, the axis owns all...The ekit triggering mechanism goes off a secondary beater on the pedal instead of the pulsation of the drumhead...far superior design that virtually eliminates double triggering issues inherint in ALL acoustic drum triggers.

Also don't forget cases...if you ever want to move a big kit with two kicks you gotta have them...I'd recommend Humes and berg enduro cases w/o foam. Relatively cheap and very sturdy. You can always add foam where you need it when necessary. don't waste your money on bags because its not worth it if you want to progress in your drumming.

If you invest in any of those nice pedals, a case is a must...you can usually make one by epoxing a wood/plastic/metal/etc divider in a square 6.5x14 snare drum case. add some foam rubber and you're good...you just have to remove the beaters each time your moving your kit. Or you can throw down 80-90$ for a custom made one...you never want to throw those pedals around in a case with other hardware.
Ok, here's the truth. I'm not a pro. I'm nowhere NEAR being a pro. I don't WANT a fantastic set of drums that will last a lifetime right now, because I'll buy that later when I have a well-paying job. So forget about this thread if you don't want to help.

But this is the thing, i do want to help. It just seems like you don't want anyone to help you. I didn't say all this to be mean, i'm just telling you how it is. I know how it feels to want to just get the shiniest nicest looking thing in the shop. This is my point because i get the feeling that you're probably going to want the thing that you like the look of best no matter what anyone tells you. The other thing i know exactly how you feel is that you want to buy thousands and thousands of $ worth of stuff even though you have no idea how you're going to pay for it. Trust me, i know how this feels. I have spreadsheets of stuff i'm "going to buy" which total ridiculous sums of money like £20,000. There's no way i'll ever be able to afford that much stuff but i want it anyway. So when you are looking for this stuff, do try to keep a realistic budget as i get the feeling you were never going to be able to spend $3 grand in the first place. Get whatever kit you want but i just want to make sure you realise that it's not a professional kit and it's not going to last you ages which you seem to do, so that's good :).

Also if you use a double pedal as it is, probably best to stick with it. You'll just end up being confused if you start playing 2 BDs and a DB pedal.
Okay, here's the deal:

To everyone saying that I don't NEED a 7 or 8 piece kit, did you ever consider that maybe I posted here for advice about a 7/8 piece kit because I actually want to purchase a 7/8 piece kit? Please stop trying to sway me, because I'm not changing my mind about that. Call me closed minded, but if you have suggestions about a 7/8 piece kit, please share. If you're just going to laugh at/insult me for bad choices on too many drums, cymbals, etc., then please keep it to yourself.

On a more positive note, I agree with you all about the 14" A Custom Crash sounding like a splash, I have revised the future setup, replacing the 14" with a 17"/19" (yet to be decided).

I also agree with you all about the importance of the snare, I forgot again :p. So, I'll probably go with some more affordable pedals, and not the Tricks, because with another $200 or so saved from the pedals, I could get a $400 snare!

Oh, speaking of the pedals, I saw on the DW website longboard DW 8000s, does anyone know anything about these? Price, etc.?

This is such a joke! You're not dreaming! You can't just say, "I want 28 crashes, a rack system, 14 toms, and all dw 9000 hardware" without actually having any money. The people that recommended the smaller configurations didn't have to help you at all. I'm sure you haven't had ANY experience with gigging because most stages at bars/venues can't fit a 8 piece kit with 2 bass drums.

Like I said before, this isn't a fantasy kit-builder. How much money do you actually have? If you even have any...
one last thing: its not the 70s anymore, and people really look down on drummers that lug a bunch of gear on stage that they barely use...If your going with a big kit, use EVERY bit of it as much as possible. Its really easy to let your gear work against you, not for you...extra toms and cymbals mean more physical labor to get the kit set up, which usually means slightly less energy for your set. I've had this problem before, you spend 30 mins (fast for a 7 peice w/rack) setting up, and two minutes warming up=mediocre performance. You do the math....theres a reason why so many drummers only use a 5 or 6 pc
Geez, people, give the kid a break for pete's sake and stop being such hammerheads. Kid wants a monster metal kit on a budget so make some suggestions. I don't see any of you guys trying to push a pdp x7 on some guy that is torn between a gretsch renown or a Pearl reference so why is everybody being a hammerhead and trying to push jazz kits on this guy that obviously wants to play metal. You guys really think a gretsch catalina jazz kit is going to stand up to a death metal assault? No, it's going to sound pretty weak. Is there a good chance that a someone in a metal band is going to abuse the kit by pounding on it and lugging it around to smokey biker bars? I think so. So again make suggestions for HIS kit, not YOURS or don't post any suggestions at all. All far as Black paiste's are concerned, i have no idea how they color them so before you "reconsider" them, you should research them. Are they just coated? Is the coloring in the alloy? Does the coloring chip off? Hey if your dream is to have a visual impact like Joey Jordison's i say go for it. I used to fit my entire 8 pc, double bass pearl export with 4power (square) rack toms and a 18" floor tom with my double tier gibraltar cage and 8 cymbals all crammed in my '93 honda civic hatchback so don't let the car thing sway your decision unless you're driving a mazda miata or a smart for two. Playing a double pedal does take some adjustment but many pedals are highly adjustible so that the action is very close and the action on the Trick dominator feels just like you're playing 2 singles. i have my 8 pc, single bass with 6 toms and 8 cymbals set up on stage on its rack in 7-8 minutes, less time than my bassist and guitarist need to wire up their amps and pedals. Some guys just set up their whole rack on the side of the stage and get 1 or 2 people to help them carry the whole thing on stage and those guys are set up in 4-5 minutes. It's all how much prep you do before you take the stage. The downside though is expect no one to help you carry your stuff back and forth to the car so make plans accordingly.

here's some good deals on ebay if you're ready to buy right now:





I realized when participating in the last thread that It was a complete waste of time. As is this one.

This is such a joke! You're not dreaming! You can't just say, "I want 28 crashes, a rack system, 14 toms, and all dw 9000 hardware" without actually having any money. The people that recommended the smaller configurations didn't have to help you at all. I'm sure you haven't had ANY experience with gigging because most stages at bars/venues can't fit a 8 piece kit with 2 bass drums.

Like I said before, this isn't a fantasy kit-builder. How much money do you actually have? If you even have any...
I realized when participating in the last thread that It was a complete waste of time. As is this one.

Is it a waste of time to use your years of experience to guide younger, inexperienced drummers? For him to say a 7/8 pc double bass kit is what he needs for his metal band sounds absolutely reasonable to me, if that's the drummer he wants to be. Drummerworld should be about encouragement, not discouragement. Now if he were saying he wanted the Joey Jordison knock off kit to play in his Beatles or Chick Correa tribute band, I'd definitely want to try to talk some sense into him.
This is a very amusing thread.

I would go with a Tama Superstar. Jason Bittner toured with one and it actually sounded pretty decent.

On a related note - A good metal drummer on a 5 piece kit can make it sound much bigger than it actually is.
I (an avid less-is-more advocate) am not trying to quell anyone's hopes, but just think about one thing before throwing all your money into this basket:

Just because the messiah Joey Jordison uses 8 toms, does that mean that YOU are?
Is it a waste of time to use your years of experience to guide younger, inexperienced drummers? For him to say a 7/8 pc double bass kit is what he needs for his metal band sounds absolutely reasonable to me, if that's the drummer he wants to be. Drummerworld should be about encouragement, not discouragement. Now if he were saying he wanted the Joey Jordison knock off kit to play in his Beatles or Chick Correa tribute band, I'd definitely want to try to talk some sense into him.

It's a waste of time because although I have tried to offer guidance, it is ignored. The other point is that in the last thread he made it seem like he was buying in the near future so I searched ebay to find the best deals. After some probing it turned out that getting the kit was contingent on saving money and saving money was contingent on getting a job and his sister knew someone who may be able to get him a job.

See : "Buying a new Kit soon":

"BTW John, when do you plan on purchasing this kit?

I'll have to think about the quantity, although I probably wouldn't be moving it around much, so I wouldn't need cases, and it wouldn't be a hassle. Oh, and as for WHEN, it really depends on when I have saved up enough money. I'm not going to say how much I've saved so far, but I plan on getting a job soon (my sister says she can definitely get me a job at the place she works), so that should speed it up a bit!"

I offered to help when he is really ready to buy, but this is the third thread of daydreaming.

It's a waste of time because although I have tried to offer guidance, it is ignored. The other point is that in the last thread he made it seem like he was buying in the near future so I searched ebay to find the best deals. After some probing it turned out that getting the kit was contingent on saving money and saving money was contingent on getting a job and his sister knew someone who may be able to get him a job.

See : "Buying a new Kit soon":

"BTW John, when do you plan on purchasing this kit?

I'll have to think about the quantity, although I probably wouldn't be moving it around much, so I wouldn't need cases, and it wouldn't be a hassle. Oh, and as for WHEN, it really depends on when I have saved up enough money. I'm not going to say how much I've saved so far, but I plan on getting a job soon (my sister says she can definitely get me a job at the place she works), so that should speed it up a bit!"

I offered to help when he is really ready to buy, but this is the third thread of daydreaming.


It's quite hilarious when you put it all in perspective actually. Great, now I can sleep peacefully.

keep on dreaming everyone :).
What 12 Piece kit do you guys recommend? I don't feel right if I spend under $8k for it. I NEED this kit because I am working on becoming a shallow egomaniac. And don't give me any of that "A 6 piece Sonor ebony signature kit is good enough" crap. I plan on being REALLY uppity about it when I buy it. I will keep making threads about it until I get the answer I like.

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You guys are hilarious. Seriously. A guy joins a forum to get suggestions about a 7 or 8 piece drum kit. Nothing could be more simple, right? But no, you guys (with the exception of Crazy+Hands and diosdude) had to be jerks about it and start making little jokes and taking shots at me for wanting to play metal on a metal sized drum kit. Thinking "haha this kid is an idiot", when really, you are the ones who are acting like children.

Thanks for the laughs, everyone, you won't be seeing me around here anymore.
You guys are hilarious. Seriously. A guy joins a forum to get suggestions about a 7 or 8 piece drum kit. Nothing could be more simple, right? But no, you guys (with the exception of Crazy+Hands and diosdude) had to be jerks about it and start making little jokes and taking shots at me for wanting to play metal on a metal sized drum kit. Thinking "haha this kid is an idiot", when really, you are the ones who are acting like children.

Thanks for the laughs, everyone, you won't be seeing me around here anymore.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll ?
You guys are hilarious. Seriously. A guy joins a forum to get suggestions about a 7 or 8 piece drum kit. Nothing could be more simple, right? But no, you guys (with the exception of Crazy+Hands and diosdude) had to be jerks about it and start making little jokes and taking shots at me for wanting to play metal on a metal sized drum kit. Thinking "haha this kid is an idiot", when really, you are the ones who are acting like children.

Thanks for the laughs, everyone, you won't be seeing me around here anymore.

If you act like a joke or a troll, you get treated like one. Wloeb pointed out the obvious childish way you are playing this game.

Technically what you have done in addition to the aforementioned blowing off good suggestions, you have broken forum rules by posting 3 threads on the same subject.

Let's us know what eventually suited your discriminating taste when you get it. I am sure the forum will still be here in 2011.
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