Are you sick of the term "POCKET DRUMMER"?

as compared to "blast beat" drummers who only have that in their arsenal but have absolutely no concept of how to play with a band within a song????? OK...........
I don't like the term "pocket" for the simple reason that it doesn't mean anything.

Couldn't disagree more. Pocket is definitely a known phenomonen. When it's happening, it is undeniable. It's a real treat when it decides to show up.
I have to think that you've never experienced it if you are saying that. But I find that hard to believe Jay, you've been around the block more than a few times and then some.
You've never had that feeling?
If we can't all agree to a consensus on what 'pocket' is, can we (for those who accept usage of the word...) all agree that Purdie plays in the pocket?
all agree that Purdie plays in the pocket?

Yep, Pretty Purdie for sure.

I thought I knew what "pocket" meant when this thread started but now that I think of it, it seems to me that what I think of as "in the pocket" is really just when the musicians playing a funky groove are in good form and the groove has a really compelling pulse.

There's that feeling that they are so locked in the groove that you'd need a Mac truck to get them out. Totally in control, with not the slightest sense of wavering.

That's just what it means to me. No idea how many others, if any, see it the same way. I do think that if a band advertises for "pocket drummer" it's pretty clear what they are after - an accompanist with reliable grooves that feel good, and without a lot of flamboyance.