Possible overuse injury?

Sorry bud but his very first point was to see a Dr and his last point was see a Dr. Guessing you were just having a bad day. Nothing wrong with sharing his experience with pain and how he overcame it.

Right ,and that was my point to.Just direct the OP to see a medical professional.Why keep repeating the message over and over?

Steve B
hi loves!!! for anyone that wanted an update on my wrists:

went to my follow up appointment tuesday-- my wrists are not doing any better

the doctor suggests therapy?

will elaborate after i take some pain killers
If anyone cares, my wrist(s) are all good now! I actually ended up needing surgery on my left wrist to have part of the bone removed and that took forever and was agonizing but now I'm drumming again and I have another gnarly scar to add to my collection.
Re: Possible overuse injury? (UPDATE)


i'm going to read all of your replies in a minute, but unfortunately none of them are relevant:

i went for an x-ray, and the doctor found an "abnormality" in the alignment of my wrist bones


he thinks it's something called Madelung Deformity, and will need surgery to correct

i'm seeing a specialist on tuesay

i'll keep you guys updated


If you hadn't read our replies at the time, how did you know if any of them were relevant . lol
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I'm glad you are feeling better and have a new knarly scar!

I like to hear updates and read posters arguing among themselves about nothing :)
Re: Possible overuse injury?? (PLS HELP!!!!)

A similar thing happened to me about 3 years ago. I did not play for days until the pain disappeared.

Now I take a 10 minute break after every hour of playing. If I hurt then I play only 10 or 20 minutes, slow and easy, maybe just practice a few critical things for my next gig.

I bought a wrist brace at the drug store and sleep with it at night. I think compression helps. Compression may push fluid out of the joint so there is less swelling.

Don't take drugs. The pain is telling you that something is wrong. Learn to manage the problem, not the pain.

Say no to drugs kids! xD sorry had to do it! Good luck with the pain man
Back when I was playing snare in marching band in High School I used to get ganglion cysts in both of my wrists as well as terrible pain, I had to go to the dr and have the cysts drained twice and they never came back.

I don't know what exactly caused it but that was fifteen years ago and I've never had an issue with them again.

Had the same issue. Had the right drained twice as a teen. Mr doctor explained that it was common in teenage athletes, musicians, and those whose father's had Playboy subscriptions. Apparently, I was the perfect trifecta.
I think you are experiencing normal wear and tissue break down of your muscle fibers, and the soreness is just your body repairing the damage. Just like in weightlifting. Of course I'm no doctor, nor do I play one on TV.

It's too bad people down the pain pills so much. I've never needed a pain pill prescription in my life, at least nothing beyond a strong ibuprofen prescription for my arthritic knees. It didn't work well anyway. Over the counter Aleve works the best for me, and I only take it very, very sparingly.

Did you consider applying ice pack or wearing a knee brace to relieve your Arthritic pain?