Better Fills Without an Ostinato


Silver Member
Whe e have band practice, if the guitar \ bass player are working something out I often don't play any beat and let them work through it by themselves but will often just them put fill sin where they'd fit.
I find when I do this and Im not playing a beat my fills are a lot better, more creative and "fit" the music better, it's almost like you're playing from the outside.
Does anybody else find this, Id love to find a way to seperate out the 2 so that my fills were the same when I was playing a beat.
It's almost like when you're listening to a song on the radio and you're imagining playing along to the sogd and tapping your fingers in time, you can see every drum you'd hit in your mind, where the fills going and are a much better drummer than if sit behind a kit and play to the same song and do something totally different - why is that ???