Convert: 16" Tama Floor-Tom to Kick drum!!

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Junior Member
Hi all..

Just want to see if this helps anyone out there...

I play Cajon and Drums for some Flamenco/Jazz artists in Vancouver and I've wanted to expand my kit lately but not wanting to carry around the huge kick-drum I have.
My friend and guitarist that I play for (John Gilliat) helped me to tweak my 16" TAMA Floor-Tom to use it as a kick. Originally I made a wooden lift for my Floor Tom but I wanted to improve on this.

So my dad and I got together and came up with this idea...and it works great!!
Using a TAMA - "Star Cast" Metal Tom Mount (seen here is the final dea)

No it takes some cutting, tweaking and a few brackets, and one "Gibralter" hardware bracket. But it works!!

Please let me know what you think....questions? etc.....

I will list more pics and the whole process soon.
Until then...good luck and talk to you soon..
Hope that this helps someone.

Cheers - Lyndon!!
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